Archinect - CU Denver (David) 2025-01-02T23:01:54-05:00 Lecture Series/First studio project ^idhe^ 2009-09-01T13:03:10-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Here is CU Denver's lecture series poster. Our first lecture was held last night. Ken Tadashi Oshima a professor from UW discussed Japanese architecture and its influences on western architecture.<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br> Also due yesterday was our first studio project. Our semester project is to act as developers for a site on 17th Ave and Franklin St. in the City Park West neighborhood in the city of Denver. Our first project was to document the site and create diagrams. Here are a few of the diagrams i created from the site conditions. The first is a section of the existing buildings facing each direction on both corners of the site, and the second is a connection map of the constant vs. variable conditions of the site.<br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"><br><br><img src="" alt="image" name="image"></p> Intro / Road Trip ^idhe^ 2009-08-13T23:27:24-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Hello everyone! My name is David and I will be attending the two-year M.Arch II program at the college of architecture and planning (CAP) at the University of Colorado at Denver. I graduated with a Bachelor of Environmental Design from the University of Colorado at Boulder in 2005. Since then I have worked for a design build firm in Boulder, CO for roughly 2.5 years, moved to Aspen, CO to be a ski bum, and most recently lived in Los Angeles and worked for a small architecture firm designing theaters. After taking 4 years off from school I feel that the experiences I have gained will give me an advantage in an academic setting. I am also finally ready and very excited to be headed back to school (where a few years ago school was the last thing on my mind).<br><br> Living in Los Angeles was my first time living outside of Colorado, and my plan was to try to apply to schools out in California. In the end I didn&rsquo;t have enough time to apply because most schools in California had their deadlin...</p>