Archinect - Cristina Cotruta 2024-06-26T15:12:18-04:00 "AI in Architecture: A Path to Sustainable Innovation and Collaborative Design Dialogues with ChatGPT Cristina Cotruta 2024-06-10T15:57:04-04:00 >2024-06-19T00:03:02-04:00 <p>In 2020, I commenced my architecture graduate thesis, focusing on the impact of NFTs, art curation, and machine learning on various building typologies.&nbsp;This journey led me to delve deeply into how machine learning could reshape the architectural landscape, particularly within museum design, amidst the rapid advancements in AI technology.Influenced profoundly by an Artificial Intelligence studio taught by Kenric McDowell, the founder of the Artists + Machine Intelligence program at Google AI, and a research paper completed as a result, my thesis became a comprehensive exploration involving discussions with professionals in my field&mdash;both practical and theoretical.&nbsp;</p> <p>During that period, I also engaged with the then-developing AI tool, Open AI: ChatGPT. I allowed these conversations to challenge my existing architectural beliefs and ideas, seeking insights into the topics at hand. The outcome was startling, as ChatGPT's perspectives led me to reimagine museum typologies in ways I had no...</p> The Age of Post-Human and World Making Cristina Cotruta 2024-06-07T16:15:04-04:00 >2024-06-10T15:57:55-04:00 <p>Human...</p> <p>A word which our species has had the tendency to overuse and even abuse throughout its existence; a notion that carries in itself power over any other living being on this planet to such an extent that it has almost become non-tangible to us even; a word which holds the promise of a future or an end, whichever we may choose to spare.</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" rel="nofollow" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514" alt="Creation" title="Creation"></a></p><figcaption>Figure 1: Creation; an original image created by Cristina Cotruta for codesign studio blog. Copyright 2024. Used under fair use guidelines.</figcaption></figure><p>The condition of being human has granted our society the potential to build a new world within&nbsp;an already formed one, billions of years ago. The perfection of the reality at its beginning stages after the Big Bang&nbsp; and formerly the creation of our Planet as we know it was somehow insufficient for &lsquo;humans&rsquo;. For some reason, we delved deep into the Creation process itself and slowly but surely started to change our environment, creating a new emergent world, one adapted to our whims, disregarding anything and ...</p>