Archinect - Boston Architectural College (Thomas) 2025-01-10T13:24:30-05:00 Robotic Arm Fabrication Thom Boessel 2010-12-16T23:17:35-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>Our intention for the coffee table is to successful replicate a module, based on Evan Douglis's Displaycase Membrane. We were looking at how a hot wire could excavate foam without milling. We didn't want a long insubstantial mass, so we looked at how we could provide variety to the table top. This is that exploration. Moving forward, I think we could move from a radial hot wire - to a linear hot wire cutter that can take a profile and stretch it out.<br><br><img title="Diagram of cuts" src="" alt="Diagram of cuts Hot Wire Radial"><br><br><br><img title="Coffee Table" src="" alt="Robotic Arm Radial Foam Cutter"><br><br><img title="table2" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="table4" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Robotic Arm Attachment" src="" alt="Robotic Arm Attachment"><br><br><br><br><img title="Kinectic Hot Wire Cutter" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Kinectic Hot Wire Cutter" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Kinetic Hot Wire Cutter" src="" alt=""><br><br> The idea of this hot wire cutter is to have the ability to reach behind the material to create super amorphic shapes. Unlike a router attachment that can only affect the surface, and has a difficult time reaching behind material. The advantage of a kinetic hot wire, is that you can expand and contract the wire, which will change the overall shape of the hotwire. The rigidity of a flat wire allows the contraction of the shape to return to its initial destination.<br><br><img title="Diagram of Kinectic Hot Wire" src="" alt="Diagram of Kinectic Hot Wire"><br><br><img title="Kinetic Hot Wire" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Kinetic Hot Wire" src="" alt=""><br><br><br><br><img title="Kinetic Hot Wire Attachment" src="" alt=""><br><br><br><br></p> Life Center in Needham, MA Thom Boessel 2010-12-16T23:06:48-05:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:20-04:00 <img src=""><br><br> The Life Center in Needham, MA seeks to create a more vibrant downtown - shopping, eating, art, and theatre. The site is situated on what is now Greene&rsquo;s Field Park. This park has defined the boundary of the Urban and Suburban since its inception by the Greene&rsquo;s&rsquo; in 1989. The Greene&rsquo;s&rsquo; set this green space aside for the pleasure of the community. The Life Center seeks to enhance this idea of giving back to the community, while reinvigorating the urban fabric and sustaining green open spaces for the community.<br><br> Through my site analysis I looked at parking, commuter rail, public transit, and other means of circulation. I took the ratio of facility size to usage, and derived a simulation that would flow toward the site avoiding the current buildings. This simulation showed a hierarchy of site entry that I would use to orient the building, and to massage the buildings form to accommodate its surroundings.<br><br> The South portion of the site was to extend the urban street wall, and open its... Life Center Diagrams & Massing Thom Boessel 2010-11-03T11:15:51-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham" src="" alt="Life Center at Needham Great Plain Ave"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham " src="" alt="Life Center at Needham Highland Ave"><br><br><img title="Life Center at Needham " src="" alt="Life Center at Needham Pickering St"> Life Center in Needham, MA Thom Boessel 2010-10-21T14:39:06-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:20-04:00 <img title="Program Diagram" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Needham, MA Greenesfield" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Needham, MA Greenesfield" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Flickr Data plotted on site" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic Diagram" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic Diagram" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic Diagram" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic Diagram" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Traffic" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Sketchbook Week 3" src="" alt="Life center in Needham, MA"><br><br><img title="Sketchbook Week 3" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Life Center in Needham, MA" src="" alt="Life Center in Needham, MA"><br><br><img title="Sketchbook Week 3" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Sketchbook Week 3" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Sketchbook Week 3" src="" alt=""><br><br> The site is situated on what is now Greene's Field Park. The town has been in debate the past twenty years on whether or not to fund a senior center in Needham, MA. What has made the debate even worse is the site selected. The park selected would eliminate the current open space, and allocate that to the senior center. Our task is to mediate both parties. To provide open space for play, and to provide enclosed space for seniors and the community. The site sits on the edge of what one might think of as a downtown, shopping and a town hall. Adjacent to the East side of the site is the beginning of a residential neighborhood. The north edge of the site is where the current senior center is; all 1,500 sq. ft. of it. The differentiation between a life center and a senior center is the involvement of different age groups. The hope is to facilitate interaction between children and elderly to share knowledge and stories. I am using program and form to facilitate these interactions, creati... Chinatown Urban Cultural Center :: Boston, MA Thom Boessel 2010-09-17T16:26:17-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <b>Site plan and Concept</b><br><br> The site is situated adjacent to two historical districts - Chinatown and the Leather District. The asian people utilize the public fountain just north of the site, by putting their feet into the the faux stream filled black river stones. The leather district still has light poles that are wooden. The form is still used today, these poles often go unnoticed, until one begins to investigate the materiality of its form.<br><br> There are two adjacent built forms - the Ginza Restaurant (japanese food cooked by chinese people) and a vent stack which I am assuming is for the interstate below the site. Surface street just to the east of the site is a busy intersection one way road. I am trying to build a street wall that will define the road and terminate the greenway park. The usage of the park just west of the vent stack and adjacent to the site is often filled with children and adults playing chinese chess. I want to preserve and expand upon the usage of the site. Provi... BCN Sustainable Transport Center Thom Boessel 2010-05-23T16:02:35-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:19-04:00 <p>Architecture is a reflection of culture, and sustainable architecture is a reflection of a sustainable culture. From the beginning our team has discussed the importance of aiming to achieve not only and sustainable transportation center within a unique city but to create a unique urban experience within an urban setting. Inclusion is our approach to sustainability. We sought to bring together members of the city around a sustainable hub, were they can experience the future potential of the electric plug-in city-cars and interact within spaces adjacent to a headquarter for research in green technologies.<br><br> Barcelona is a 24 hour city, and within it we wanted to create a beacon, that shines light on the possibilities of tomorrow. It will be a haven for everyone living in Barcelona, not to mention sustainable drivers, officers-workers and researchers. We provide for the neighborhood an elevated public park with a cafe. People here can enjoy what the public spaces has to offer as well as...</p> Studio B-1 Boat House Project Thom Boessel 2010-05-23T15:53:37-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:19-04:00 <p>This boat house is for the primary use of the public. It should not stand as a monument to boat storage, but to accommodate those who watch the boats in action. I am trying to create the maximum seating and viewing areas of the water, while tucking the boat storage away. The experience of the site should not be impeded upon by storage of these boats, but to provide the maximum amount of green space to the people.<br><br><img title="Interior of Boat House" src="" alt=""><br> Interior Perspective of Boat House<br><br><strong></strong><strong>Diagrams - Form Finding<br></strong><br><br><strong><img title="Angle defined by slope" src="" alt=""><br> Angle defined by slope of Storrow drive exit</strong><br> The bridge that connects the Back Bay grid to the Esplanade must have a maximum slope of 6%. This informed the angle of the bridge in order to clear the Storrow drive off-ramp<br><br><strong><img title="FINDING THE BRIDGE EDGE CONDITION" src="" alt=""><br> Finding the bridge edge condition<br></strong>In order to find the edge condition of the bridge - Continually halving the grid between each new node until a connection is made between the Esplanade and the Back Bay<br><br><img title="Cone of Vision Diagram" src="" alt=""><strong><br> Cone of Vision Diagram</strong><br> A 60 degree cone of vision from the Halfway point of a single block fr...</p> UCF Athletic Complex Thom Boessel 2010-05-23T11:00:33-04:00 >2020-07-23T17:53:50-04:00 <p>While walking down east plaza drive toward victory lane I noticed that it becomes difficult to recognize a clear path to the entry of the Baseball stadium. I could see clearly that the stadium sat behind this structure, but the direction was unclear as to turn left or right. <img title="Screen shot 2010-04-23 at 7.44.31 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br> In plan view it is quite easy to see that the entry is on the left, but my intent for this design was to strengthen the procession to the entry of the Baseball stadium. There was an intent to create a material style for the entire Athletic complex that could be recognized and understood as an Athletic facility.<br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-04-23 at 7.51.22 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br> Often I find it hard to justify the investment into athletic facilities, while the same investment is not put into the scholarly facilities. I often think of it only affecting the players involved -- how the percentage of individuals involved in the program will not be accepted into the professional field, where the investment will be paid off. A recently published book <em>The Rise of Stadiums in the Mode...</em></p> Montclair University Sicily Thom Boessel 2010-04-22T15:59:17-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:19-04:00 <a href="" target="_blank"><img title="Rendering Photo" src="" alt=""></a><br><br> Architect: Christopher Janning Villa Mairea Analysis Thom Boessel 2010-03-28T16:05:13-04:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:19-04:00 <img title="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 1/5" alt="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 1/5" src=""><br><br><img title="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 2/5" alt="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 2/5" src=""><br><br><img title="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 3/5" alt="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 3/5" src=""><br><br><img title="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 4/5" alt="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 4/5" src=""><br><br><img title="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 5/5" alt="Studio B-1 Week 6 Final Boards 5/5" src=""><br> MOHO Modular Miami Thom Boessel 2010-02-02T15:56:49-05:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:19-04:00 <p>AIAS / Modular Building Institute: Miami Beach Hotel<br><br><strong>Team Members</strong><br><br> Thomas M. Boessel<br> Nway Oo<br> Robert R. Ortiz<br> Mikkel D. Str&oslash;mstad<br><br><strong>Faculty Sponsors</strong><br><br> Gabriel Bergeron<br> Eric Nelson<br><br> Moho is a new concept in the long-standing tradition of world-class Miami hotel design. Its dynamic form expresses the grand sense of luxury and theatricality that popularized Miami hotels in a kit-of-parts assembly that efficiently responds to contextual, programmatic and environmental variables. In this way, the ability to adapt and respond&mdash;to cater to each guest&mdash;is articulated as its primary function.<br><br> The hotel floats eighty rooms made of one hundred eighty re-purposed shipping containers above a plinth of stepped landscape and public function areas. The rooms are arranged in two bars backing onto an open atrium. The front, urban bar develops a strong relationship with its Collins Avenue neighbors and frames Western views to Biscayne Bay and downtown. Unique features of the facility including elegant re...</p> Sketch Problem 1 Thom Boessel 2009-02-15T15:53:20-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <p>My first sketch problem (charrette) at the BAC. I will be adding more pictures of my model in the next day or so. I have to finish up some more work before I have the time to get them prepped. Here is what I have done thus far.<br><br><img title="Natural Clock" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.37.51 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.37.45 PM" src="" alt=""></p> Studio Cube Thom Boessel 2009-02-10T16:24:05-05:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:16-04:00 <p>I was asked to design a cube with 3 sets of "devices" and as an added requirement all edges had to meet properly.<br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.43.30 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.43.17 PM" src="" alt=""></p> Studio Model (Dream House) Thom Boessel 2009-01-30T16:11:18-05:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:16-04:00 <img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.46.47 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.46.41 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.46.36 PM" src="" alt=""><br><br><img title="Screen shot 2010-05-23 at 3.46.28 PM" src="" alt=""> Random Drawings Thom Boessel 2008-12-15T16:29:10-05:00 >2011-09-23T13:01:16-04:00 <img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br><br><img src=""><br>