Archinect - News 2025-01-08T08:33:57-05:00 Dump your old vector files in the Digital Junkyard to be recycled into real-world objects Justine Testado 2015-07-24T21:28:00-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>The Digital Junkyard is an experiment in virtual salvage. It is a repository of donated digital information that is used to generate real physical and spatial objects...This project is an embodiment of the growing collective intelligence that technology affords us; and an experiment in ideas about digital ecology. It also honours the time and energy that designers put into testing and making mistakes.</p></em><br /><br /><p>No, this isn't some snarky Craigslist ad. Recently launched by architecturally trained designer and artist Car Martin, the Digital Junkyard is a website with a mission to transform as much of your unwanted vector files into a new physical object or creative idea of sorts, in the real world. In addition to "dumping" their files, users can "salvage" and download donated files, and can eventually check out the resulting "artifacts" -- although that section of the site is yet to be filled.</p><p>The Digital Junkyard accepts a maximum of 250 MB and is mainly looking for vector files. More specifically:</p><ul><li>Adobe (.ai .eps .pdf)</li><li>Autodesk (.dwg .rvt)</li><li>Mcneel/Rhino (.3dm .gh.ghx)</li><li>Sketchup (.skp)</li><li>GIS (.mxd &amp; shapefile folders)</li><li>Other (.svg .dxf)</li></ul><p><img title="" alt="" src=""><br><em>Screenshot via</em></p><p>While the Digital Junkyard can be a practical outlet for architects and designers to clear up their digital workspaces, Martin's website has an introspective side to it that is greatly relevant at this point in our tightening relationship wit...</p>