Archinect - News 2025-02-02T00:44:44-05:00 Single-staircase buildings appear on the horizon as a potential weapon for housing reform Josh Niland 2025-01-06T16:50:00-05:00 >2025-01-07T19:27:47-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Efforts currently underway to amend existing <a href="" target="_blank">building and construction codes</a> in order to create more <a href="" target="_blank">affordable housing</a> could soon be boosted via the removal of a long-held and potentially outdated requirement&mdash;the need for two egress routes in multifamily buildings with heights up to six stories.</p> <p>At least ten states and a number of other larger cities are considering such reforms as we enter the new year, armed with the confidence that better fire safety technology and building materials can eliminate the sometimes costly code requirement at a crucial time.</p> <p>In the Texas state capital of&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Austin</a>&nbsp;for example, the city council has already approved a code change that allows for single-stair construction in new multifamily buildings up to six levels.&nbsp;</p> <figure><p>The "unbounded" change, which was immediately opposed by public safety officials, will be critical as developers there are planning to bolster housing stock by at least 60,000 new planned units to match its expanding population. A final appr...</p></figure> Weakened North Carolina building codes jeopardized property after Hurricane Helene Josh Niland 2024-10-31T18:27:00-04:00 >2024-11-01T13:30:58-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The long road back for residents of the western North Carolina counties that were heavily impacted due to flooding from Hurricane Helene is still being mapped out, but now the<em> <a href="" target="_blank">New York Times</a></em> and other <a href="" target="_blank">local outlets</a> are reporting on critics who say reforms to the state&rsquo;s building codes could have exacerbated the scale of property losses.</p> <p>SB 166, which was passed into law last July, removed a requirement for professional architects to sit on the State Building Code Council. Both it and the related House Bill 488 were supported by the&nbsp;North Carolina Home Builders Association, echoing issues that came to the fore in Kentucky after a string of devastating tornadoes there&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">three years ago</a>.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Compounding the recovery process for homeowners is the fact that most did not own flood insurance policies. The data analytics company&nbsp;CoreLogic has estimated property damage in the area to be worth upwards of&nbsp;$47.5 billion.</p> Burning down the house to make American homes disaster-proof Josh Niland 2024-07-21T11:00:00-04:00 >2024-07-22T14:30:41-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Last year's devastating wildfires in California and <a href="" target="_blank">Hawaii</a> once again came into focus as part of a <em></em><a href="" target="_blank"><em>New York Times</em> expos&eacute;</a> on the Insurance Institute for Business &amp; Home Safety (I.B.H.S.)-led movement towards the &ldquo;biggest overhaul of building standards in more than 30 years.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p>Burn demonstrations help visualize protective interventions that best resemble moats in unison with better building materials. The <em>Times</em> says: &ldquo;The message to homebuilders is stark: Homes in certain parts of the United States must now be constructed with wildfires in mind, or they most likely will not be insured, which would mean they couldn&rsquo;t be bought with a mortgage.&rdquo;&nbsp;</p> <p>Landscape designers as well as architects working on private residences will be equally affected. The <em><a href="" target="_blank">MIT Technology Review</a> </em>wrote more extensively on the subject of design and the disaster-proof home in California last April.</p> New York City could soon mandate air conditioning in all residential buildings Josh Niland 2024-07-18T18:40:00-04:00 >2024-07-25T11:01:10-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>City Councilmember Lincoln Restler of Brooklyn, who confirmed the news with Gothamist on Wednesday, said he plans to introduce his bill during Thursday&rsquo;s stated meeting. The bill is intended to mimic current local law requiring landlords to provide tenants with heat during the winter months by requiring them to ensure tenants can cool their homes to at least 78 degrees when it is 82 degrees or warmer during the summer, Restler said.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Councilmember Restler, who argues that the new legislation is tantamount to requiring heating in the winter, also <a href="" target="_blank">told</a> the <em>New York Times</em> it will "save lives as we reckon with the challenges of the climate crisis." Landlords would have a maximum of four years to comply with the mandate.&nbsp;</p> <p>The Thursday vote comes as meteorologists are saying 2024 is likely on pace to be the <a href="" target="_blank">hottest year on record</a>.</p> On the elevator's role in our skyrocketing housing calculus Josh Niland 2024-07-10T11:22:00-04:00 >2024-07-10T11:22:11-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Through my research on elevators, I got a glimpse into why so little new housing is built in America and why what is built is often of such low quality and at high cost. The problem with elevators is a microcosm of the challenges of the broader construction industry &mdash; from labor to building codes to a sheer lack of political will. [...] It&rsquo;s become hard to shake the feeling that America has simply lost the capacity to build things in the real world, outside of an app.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Stephen Smith, through the New York nonprofit <a href="" target="_blank">Center for Building in North America</a>, has been exposing variables that <a href="" target="_blank">undermine</a> the housing market's intricate calculus in the form of building codes, cost of labor, zoning regulations, and the construction industry.&nbsp;</p> <p>He says: "Elevators in North America have become over-engineered, bespoke, handcrafted and expensive pieces of equipment that are unaffordable in all the places where they are most needed. Special interests here have run wild with an outdated, inefficient, overregulated system. Accessibility rules miss the forest for the trees," adding, "The United States and Canada have also marooned themselves on a regulatory island for elevator parts and designs."</p> <p>Last year, New York City became the <a href="" target="_blank">most expensive construction market</a> in the world, with an average cost of $506 per square foot, according to an analysis from <a href="" target="_blank">Baruch College's Zicklin School of Business</a>.</p> On the comparative difficulty of family-sized apartment dwellings in North America Josh Niland 2024-05-24T12:04:00-04:00 >2024-06-05T13:40:40-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>One major consequence of this difference in design is that the North American double-loaded corridor buildings are much worse at providing family-sized units. To illustrate the point, we&rsquo;ll go through the different sized apartments one by one, and compare the floor area and design. You&rsquo;ll notice that the American plans have significantly more floor area for the same number of bedrooms, and have much more lightless interior space up against the common corridor to fill.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Stephen Smith is a former journalist and the Executive Director of the Brooklyn-based <a href="" target="_blank">Center for Building in North America</a>. His analysis of spatial challenges created by multifamily apartments and zoning conditions was featured recently in <em>Bloomberg</em>'s <a href="" target="_blank">Odd Lots</a> podcast. This is an adroit relaying of an issue affecting both developers and architects in pertaining markets and compliments an earlier 2021 report on post-pandemic trends in multifamily residential design from the website <a href="" target="_blank">Propmodo</a>.</p> <p>Smith writes: "The merits of North American building and zoning codes can be debated, but the effect is clearly that apartments, in order to provide the same number of bedrooms and give everyone a window, must necessarily consume far more floor area than point access block designs possible in other countries. So if you&rsquo;re looking for a family-sized apartment in the U.S. or Canada and finding that new buildings don&rsquo;t have what you&rsquo;re looking for, it&rsquo;s not you, it&rsquo;s not the architect, and it&rsquo;s not ...</p> In Japan, abandoned and vacant homes are on the rise Niall Patrick Walsh 2024-05-02T11:42:00-04:00 >2024-05-02T13:33:08-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" target="_blank">New government figures</a> show that 5.9% of all <a href="" target="_blank">Japanese</a> homes are abandoned, while 13.88% of homes are vacant (a total of 9 million homes). The issue is predominantly impacting the country's rural areas, while the number of vacant and abandoned apartments and condo units is also increasing.</p> <p>Several measures have been undertaken by local and national governments to address the increased cases, which can have consequences for building upkeep and maintenance. In 2022, the city of Nagoya began requiring condo building management to update authorities on the state of their complexes, while, in 2018, Yokohama city asked architects to assess undermanaged condo buildings and set up management associations.</p> <figure><figure><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a><figcaption>Related on Archinect: <a href="" target="_blank">Minimalist concrete apartments fill a narrow site in Tokyo, designed by Ryuichi Sasaki Architecture</a>.&nbsp;Image credit: Sherpa</figcaption></figure></figure><p>More broadly, Japan passed a law in 2015 allowing local authorities to issue warnings about vacant homes at risk of collapse, including powers to <a href="" target="_blank">de...</a></p> Strict building codes prevented a larger catastrophe in earthquake-prone Taiwan Josh Niland 2024-04-03T19:22:00-04:00 >2024-04-08T14:54:35-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The 7.4 magnitude that struck eastern <a href="" target="_blank">Taiwan</a> yesterday has provided evidence as to how the country&rsquo;s reputedly strong <a href="" target="_blank">building codes</a> and regulations prevented significant losses of life and property 25 years after another tragic seismic event led to widespread change.</p> <p>"Taiwan&rsquo;s earthquake preparedness is among the most advanced in the world," Stephen Gao, a seismologist and professor at Missouri University of Science and Technology, <a href="" target="_blank">told</a> the AP. "The island has implemented strict building codes, a world-class seismological network, and widespread public education campaigns on earthquake safety."</p> <p>This state of preparedness is credited to government action following a September 1999 earthquake with a magnitude of 7.7 that caused 2,400 deaths and damage to over 50,000 buildings on the island. Another factor within this are business and governmental conditions inside Taiwan, which is worth comparing to <a href="" target="_blank">Turkey</a>'s response to an earthquake that occurred there the month before the same year...</p> UK developments must now compensate for loss of nature Niall Patrick Walsh 2024-04-02T12:09:00-04:00 >2024-04-02T15:07:00-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Legal requirements for housing and infrastructure schemes in England to deliver at least a 10 per cent improvement for nature have been extended to cover small developments from today, applying to developments where the number of dwellings is between one and nine or where the site area is less than 0.5 hectares.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The scheme, called <a href="" target="_blank">Biodiversity Net Gain</a>, is designed to ensure that "habitats for wildlife are left in a measurably better state than they were before the development," according to <a href="" target="_blank">UK Government guidance</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>Natural habitats in the <a href="" target="_blank">UK</a> will be given 'biodiversity units' depending on their size, quality, location, and type, which can be lost through development or generated through work to create and enhance habitats.</p> <p>New developments will be required to measure the biodiversity units of a habitat before development and improve the habitat's score by 10%.</p> Schools and communities in the Pacific Northwest hope for improved building code standards for earthquake preparedness Josh Niland 2024-01-04T08:35:00-05:00 >2024-01-03T19:27:57-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Current seismic codes require public buildings to be built strong enough so they don&rsquo;t fall down in a quake. Now, some emergency preparedness advocates want to raise the bar. Not only should essential buildings resist collapse in a strong earthquake, but also newly constructed schools, in particular, should be built so in the immediate aftermath they can be counted on to serve as relief centers.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The article mentions the AIA Oregon chapter&rsquo;s efforts to push lawmakers towards adopting more stringent <a href="" target="_blank">building codes</a> in preparation for a cataclysmic 9.0 Cascadia earthquake. Some relatively cheaper proactive measures, such as <a href="" target="_blank">tsunami towers</a>, are being enacted, but the 1,000 or so schools thought to be at risk<a href="" target="_blank">&nbsp;for collapse</a> statewide just a few years ago still need to enact drastic changes whose costs are proving too much of a burden for local administrators to get behind.&nbsp;</p> <p>&ldquo;A lot of districts have been building schools and not doing this,&rdquo; local Portland-based architect Jay Raskin explains. &ldquo;Every year we go without requiring that schools be capable of being used as shelters is a year we miss providing shelter for the surrounding neighborhoods during a Cascadia earthquake.&rdquo;</p> <p>Another vote on the Oregon legislation is not expected until at least 2025.&nbsp;</p> Washington State effectively bans fossil-fueled appliances in new construction Josh Niland 2023-11-30T13:39:00-05:00 >2023-12-04T13:43:09-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>It will soon become nearly impossible to install fossil-fueled appliances to heat new homes and businesses in Washington. [...] The codes will require new homes and buildings to meet the same total energy performance as those built with electric heat pumps while allowing builders flexibility to choose appliances. Basically, if builders choose gas appliances, they will need to make up the efficiency losses elsewhere in the construction.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The state&rsquo;s building code update puts them in league with California, Maryland, and major cities <a href="" target="_blank">New York</a>, <a href="" target="_blank">Los Angeles</a>, and <a href="" target="_blank">Boston</a> to have adopted similar policies.&nbsp;</p> <p>The new amendments offer a &ldquo;watered-down&rdquo; alternative to a proposed electric <a href="" target="_blank">heat pump </a>mandate that was abandoned in the wake of a federal ruling against Berkeley, California&rsquo;s <a href="" target="_blank">natural gas ban</a> from 2019.&nbsp;</p> <p>The state&rsquo;s building and construction industry is one of many being targeted by lawmakers in an effort to eliminate all greenhouse gas emissions by 2050.</p> ‘Mutant’ London apartment block to be demolished for deviating too far from permitted development Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-10-17T11:54:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The planning authority in <a href="" target="_blank">London&rsquo;s</a> Royal Borough of Greenwich has <a href="" target="_blank">ordered the demolition</a> of a new residential development along the River Thames. In a statement, the authority concluded that the 23-story building, named&nbsp;Mast&nbsp;Quay&nbsp;Phase II, was &ldquo;so substantially different to the scheme that was originally permitted&rdquo; that the development&rsquo;s ultimate construction was <a href="" target="_blank">unlawful</a>.</p> <p>In its decision, the authority cited 26 main deviations from the scheme originally granted <a href="" target="_blank">planning permission</a>, including &ldquo;visible design changes to the external appearance of the towers,&rdquo; arguing that the towers looked &ldquo;more solid and bulky because of the removal of the stepped back top floor and the glazed curtain wall facade&rdquo; to one of the blocks.</p> <figure><figure><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a><figcaption>The approved Mast Quay Phase II (left) versus the scheme subsequently constructed (right). Image credit: <a href="" target="_blank">Royal Borough of Greenwich</a> </figcaption></figure></figure><p>The authority also cited visible changes to the materials and windows, a larger than approved footprint, &ldquo;lower quality residential acco...</p> New York to introduce ‘first-in-the-nation’ mandate for concrete emissions Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-09-26T12:21:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" target="_blank">New York State</a> has <a href="" target="_blank">announced the adoption</a> of a &lsquo;Buy Clean Concrete&rsquo; mandate for state agencies, described by Governor Hochul&rsquo;s office as a &ldquo;first-in-the-nation&rdquo; commitment to environmental sustainability. The plan contains mandatory rules for establishing emissions limits on <a href="" target="_blank">concrete</a> used in state-funded public building and transportation projects.</p> <p>Starting from January 1, 2025, Environmental Product Declarations (EPDs) must be submitted for all concrete mixes used in qualifying state construction projects and must demonstrate that they achieve an <a href="" target="_blank">environmental impact</a> below the limits set by the state. The state hopes such EPDs will &ldquo;provide transparency and a more robust accounting of a concrete mix&rsquo;s greenhouse gas emissions and enable state agencies and other stakeholders to make more informed choices in reducing emissions.&rdquo;</p> <p>The measure will apply to state agency contracts exceeding $1 million that involve the use of more than 50 cubic yards of concrete. Exceptions are provided f...</p> Over 100 schools close in the UK over concrete safety concerns Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-09-08T11:41:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>More than one hundred schools and education settings in the United Kingdom <a href="" target="_blank">have been closed</a> due to concerns over the integrity of concrete roof panels. So far, 147 schools are known to contain reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (Raac), with approximately one hundred fully or partially closed, impacting more than 100,000 students at the start of the new school year.</p> <p>The latest developments began in August when a Raac panel collapsed in a school in England, prompting a wider government review. While 147 schools have been identified as containing Raac, education unions warn that &ldquo;hundreds more&rdquo; schools could be impacted. Meanwhile, <a href="" target="_blank">thirteen universities</a> have closed or partially closed, alongside a number of <a href="" target="_blank">theaters and cultural venues</a>&nbsp;that&nbsp;have closed as inspections continue. <em>The Guardian</em> additionally reports that the number of UK prisons containing Raac <a href="" target="_blank">may take two years</a> to identify.</p> <p>Raac, also referred to as &ldquo;aircrete,&rdquo; was utilized from the 1950s to the 1990s in UK public buil...</p> New Terner Center for Housing Innovation paper unpacks five years of SB 35's impact on the California housing crisis Josh Niland 2023-08-21T18:05:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The Terner Center for Housing Innovation at <a href="" target="_blank">UC Berkeley</a> has released a statewide assessment of the development of housing five years after the implementation of California's Senate Bill (SB) 35 began in 2018.</p> <p>The bill eased the barriers to housing production for builders, in some cases removing the required review process under the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) and other policies that had been targeted as key impediments to the effort to meet a <a href="" target="_blank">crisis</a> that has become the defining issue of the time for embattled local governments, residents, and planning officials.</p> <p>Statistics revealed that 18,000 new units were able to be developed thanks to the streamlining of nearly a thousand multifamily infill housing projects as a direct result of SB 35. The rate of successful developments peaked in 2020, with a noticeable dip recorded in the past year. The study also found encouragingly that most projects covered by SB 35 were considered 100 percent affordable.&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Related on Archine...</figcaption></figure> Collapsed Surfside condo tower had ‘severe strength deficiency’ in pool deck, preliminary findings say Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-06-15T14:43:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Federal investigators have released their preliminary findings into the <a href="" target="_blank">collapse of the Champlain Towers South</a> condo building in Surfside, Florida. As reported <a href="" target="_blank">by <em>The New York Times</em></a><em>,</em> the building&rsquo;s pool deck contained a &ldquo;severe structural deficiency,&rdquo; with construction in some areas failing to meet both building codes and its original design parameters.</p> <p>The investigation is being led by the National Institute of Standards and Technology and has so far included witness interviews, a review of historical records, tests on building materials, and the analysis of models for structural performance. The original design and construction of the building have been examined, as have any renovations and repairs in the years since. The potential for corrosion, ground settlement, and <a href="" target="_blank">vibrations from nearby construction</a> to contribute to the collapse has also been examined.</p> <p>&ldquo;In summaries of their preliminary findings ahead of a hearing Thursday, the investigators wrote that the pool deck&rsquo;s design ...</p> Code compliance platform UpCodes launches AI assistant and raises $3.5 million Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-06-01T12:43:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The code compliance platform <a href="" target="_blank">UpCodes</a> has raised $3.5 million in funding. The San Francisco-based company describes itself as a &ldquo;platform for architects, engineers, GCs, tradespeople, building owners, and homeowners&rdquo; to provide a &ldquo;searchable library of the adapted codes, updates, amendments, and errata across most major US jurisdictions.&rdquo;</p> <p>Archinect <a href="" target="_blank">reported on UpCodes in 2018</a>, where it was being used by firms including <a href="" target="_blank">Ennead</a> and <a href="" target="_blank">FXCollaborative</a> as a compatible plug-in for Revit. Today, the platform is used by over 650,000 monthly users, and claims to host over 5 million code sections (updating over 7,000 per month), and 1,700 state and city codes.</p> <p>In tandem with the latest funding results, the company has <a href="" target="_blank">unveiled an AI-powered code research assistant</a> named <a href="" target="_blank">UpCodes Copilot</a>. Utilizing GPT-4, Copilot&rsquo;s UI will feel familiar to users of ChatGPT.&nbsp;The AI interface can answer user questions about its dataset of over 5 million code sections. In addition to answering the question directly, ...</p> World’s tallest full-scale building earthquake test takes place at UC San Diego Niall Patrick Walsh 2023-05-10T15:09:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" target="_blank">UC San Diego</a> has hosted the tallest full-scale seismic building test on an <a href="" target="_blank">earthquake</a> simulator. The <a href="" target="_blank">LEVER Architecture</a>-designed 10-story building, made of cross-laminated timber, was tested on what the organizers say is the world&rsquo;s largest outdoor shake table.</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Image credit: UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering</figcaption></figure><p>Tests on the structure began in late April, where a shake table simulated earthquake motions recorded during prior earthquakes covering a range of magnitude 4 to magnitude 8 on the Richter scale. The range also included various iterations of the 6.7 magnitude Northridge Earthquake which struck Los Angeles in 1994.<br></p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Image credit: UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering</figcaption></figure><p>The shake table used in the test has been designed to &ldquo;reproduce the full 3D ground motions that occur during earthquakes&rdquo; including a movement of up to six degrees of freedom. Atop the table is what the team has dubbed the Tallwood building: A 116-foot-tall <a href="" target="_blank">cross-laminated timber</a> structure roughly one-fifth...</p> A 50-story housing proposal is shaking up planning officials in San Francisco Josh Niland 2023-04-19T18:07:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>A proposed new high-rise development in San Francisco&rsquo;s Outer Sunset district is standing out over its disputed manipulation of statewide density laws.&nbsp;</p> <p>The <em>LA Times</em> is <a href="" target="_blank">reporting</a> on CH Planning&lsquo;s unlikely new proposal, which could add a&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Solomon Cordwell Buenz</a>-designed&nbsp;50-story tower to the neighborhood via provisions in California&rsquo;s <a href=";lawCode=GOV" target="_blank">Density Bonus Law</a>&nbsp;&mdash;&nbsp;a regulation they say allows for permitted deviations from local building restrictions to provide options for affordable housing.</p> <p>&ldquo;It simply defies logic that a building in a 100-foot height district seeking a 50% bonus could somehow rise to 560 feet,&rdquo; Daniel Sider, chief of staff for San Francisco&rsquo;s Planning Department said in a rebuke published by the newspaper. &ldquo;While we agree that this site is ripe for housing, and we hope to work with the developer to achieve that, there is no provision in state or local law to permit the downtown-style building that&rsquo;s been proposed.&rdquo;</p> <p>&ldquo;The proposed project is flat out inconsistent with local zoni...</p> Los Angeles publishes list of 33 county-owned structures most at-risk in an earthquake Josh Niland 2023-03-30T11:49:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>In the wake of last month&rsquo;s devastating <a href="" target="_blank">earthquake in Turkey and Syria</a>, Los Angeles County has identified some 33 important structures it says are the most at risk during a major seismic event of that magnitude.</p> <p>Last week, the Board of Supervisors published a list of at-risk properties owned by the county that must be upgraded in line with modern standards over the next ten years, according to <a href="" target="_blank">KTLA</a>.</p> <p>The county has already mandated changes to its <a href="" target="_blank">building codes</a> that call for similar upgrades to all non-ductile concrete high-rises and soft-story residential structures before the year 2033. Officials are wary of the &ldquo;Big One&rdquo; &mdash; a magnitude 7.8 or above quake &mdash; that would kill as many as 1,800 people and destroy an estimated 2,000 structures in the area per the <a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)</a>.</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Related on Archinect: <a href="" target="_blank">Los Angeles updates its building codes in wake of deadly Turkey-Syria earthquake</a></figcaption></figure><p>&ldquo;We never thought that spending the money on retrofitting these buildings was worth the risk,&rdquo; U...</p> Los Angeles updates its building codes in wake of deadly Turkey-Syria earthquake Josh Niland 2023-03-02T12:30:00-05:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Los Angeles County&rsquo;s Board of Supervisors <a href="" target="_blank">voted Wednesday</a> to approve a motion requiring all non-ductile, concrete high-rise structures in LA County to be given seismic retrofits within the next ten years.</p> <p>The motion applies to all incorporated communities in the county and must be codified by the directors of public works within six months according to the supervisors. The update comes as multiple LA media outlets reported widespread weak spots across the region in response to the February 6th <a href="" target="_blank">Turkey-Syria Earthquake</a> that killed more than 50,000.</p> <p>Under the updated building codes, current building owners have a ten-year time period in which to submit structural evaluation assessments to the agency. Properties will either be retrofitted or demolished according to the language put forth by Supervisors Holly Mitchell and Hilda Solis.</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Related on Archinect:&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">In Los Angeles, landlords and tenants will share seismic retrofit costs</a></figcaption><p><br>&ldquo;The county should follow the example of surrounding jurisdict...</p></figure> Turkey’s outdated building codes exacerbated earthquake destruction Josh Niland 2023-02-10T12:23:00-05:00 >2023-02-10T14:45:41-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>Why did so many buildings fall down? [...] [Alanna Simpson] says the building codes in Turkey were updated again in 2018. But the country's "legacy buildings" are still vulnerable, and that goes for much of the rest of the world, too, she says. "It's a global problem."</p></em><br /><br /><p>Of the more than <a href=",the%20rest%20are%20totally%20overwhelmed." target="_blank">3,000 Turkish structures</a> destroyed by Monday&rsquo;s devastating&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">earthquake</a>, experts say the majority were concrete and masonry infill constructions built before Turkey updated its building codes in the wake of the <a href="" target="_blank">1999 &#304;zmit earthquake</a> that killed 17,000. A 2018 construction amnesty on 75,000 <a href="" target="_blank">new buildings</a> put even more people at risk.&nbsp;</p> <p>The next quake could yield even more damage, as the Associated Press reported some 13 million apartments are not in compliance with <a href="" target="_blank">modern standards</a>.&nbsp;</p> <p>The <em>New York Times</em> has a case study from one badly affected city <a href="" target="_blank">here</a>.<br></p> Hempcrete has been added to the U.S. building code appendix Josh Niland 2022-12-05T15:22:00-05:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>For many years, industrial hemp was illegal in the US due to hemp&rsquo;s association with drug use, despite the fact that it does not contain more than 0.3 percent THC [...] Building residential homes with hempcrete was therefore effectively outlawed until 2018, when the Farm Bill distinguished between hemp and cannabis plants. Then, in September 2022, hemp building materials were added to the model US residential building code, paving the way for legal use in 2024.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The International Residential Code (IRC) accepted a <a href="" target="_blank">modified appendix</a> in September that some are hopeful could be a catalyst for further adaptation throughout the building industry.&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Builders for Climate Action</a> spokesman Chris Magwood says its greatest potential lies in commercial construction, though applications within residential design do present inherent challenges owing to drying times, insulation R-Values, and other factors.&nbsp;</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Previously on Archinect: <a href="" target="_blank">Hemp is about to take an outsized role in the building industry's push to go green</a></figcaption></figure><p>"I don't think that hempcrete will ever play a large role in the residential market," Magwood <a href="" target="_blank">recently explained</a> to&nbsp;<em>Treehugger</em>. "The fact that it is a composite material that uses a lime-based binder means that it is less insulative than other options and more expensive. Somebody has to mix, form, and cure the material, whether that happens on-site or in pre-fab units or blocks. To meet basic minimum code requirements in colder climates requires at l...</p> California passes law allowing affordable housing to bypass approval processes Niall Patrick Walsh 2022-10-04T12:27:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>California Governor Gavin Newsom has <a href="" target="_blank">signed into law</a> a major reform to homebuilding in the state. <a href="" target="_blank">The Affordable Housing and High Road Jobs Act</a>, signed on September 28th, will override local zoning codes to allow for more <a href="" target="_blank">affordable housing units</a> to be built on land previously zoned for commercial use.</p> <p>From July 1, 2023, certain residential projects comprised of 100% affordable housing <a href="" target="_blank">will be granted &ldquo;by right,&rdquo;</a> overriding local zoning laws and bypassing the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) approval process. To qualify, the affordable housing project must be located in commercial corridors, occupying land otherwise typically used for strip malls and parking lots. </p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Related on Archinect: <a href="" target="_blank">California may be about to clear a major hurdle in its mad scramble to find more affordable housing</a></figcaption></figure><p>Assemblymember Buffy Wicks, a leading proponent of the legislation, celebrated the bill&rsquo;s passage into law by&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">citing an independent analysis</a> claiming it has the capacity to produce between 30...</p> New York to ban construction of schools near highways Niall Patrick Walsh 2022-07-12T09:00:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">New York State</a> Assembly and Senate have <a href="" target="_blank">passed a bill</a> barring the construction of schools within 500 feet of a highway. The Schools Impact by Gross Highways Act (or SIGH Act) was written to protect school-age children from <a href="" target="_blank">air pollution</a>.</p> <p>Under the bill, which will also apply to New York City, the New York Commissioner of Education will only be allowed to approve plans for a new school within 500 feet of a highway if they determine that space is so limited that no other site would be available. </p> <figure><figure><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a><figcaption>Archinect Feature: <a href="" target="_blank">Smog City: The Fight Against Urban Air Pollution</a></figcaption></figure></figure><p>According to a <a href=",of%2030%2C000%20or%20more%20cars." target="_blank">recent analysis</a> by the New York Civil Liberties Union (NYCLU), approximately one-third of New York&rsquo;s students attend a school within 500 feet of a road whose daily volume exceeds 30,000 cars. Approximately 80% of these students are students of color, and 66% are low-income. </p> <p>&ldquo;Decades of <a href="" target="_blank">racial segregation</a>, redlining, and the systemic placement of pollution-emitting infrastructure in Black and Brown communiti...</p> Supreme Court rejects entrepreneur's First Amendment case that architecture is free speech Niall Patrick Walsh 2022-03-25T10:34:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>The <a href="" target="_blank">U.S. Supreme Court</a> has <a href="" target="_blank">refused to hear</a> the case of a Florida entrepreneur who claimed that his First Amendment rights were violated when plans for his proposed mansion were rejected by officials in Palm Beach. </p> <p>The case centered on telecommunications entrepreneur Donald Burns, who applied to authorities in Palm Beach in 2014 to demolish an existing 10,000-square-foot traditional oceanfront home to be replaced by a more contemporary 20,000-square-foot mansion. However, the plans were rejected by Palm Beach&rsquo;s Architectural Review Commission who decided the proposal did not achieve &ldquo;comprehensive cohesiveness&rdquo; and was too radical a departure from surrounding properties. </p> <p>Burns <a href="" target="_blank">appealed the decision</a> to the Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals, arguing that the decision violated his First Amendment rights. The court ruled against Burns in a 2-1 decision, rejecting his argument that the design of the house constituted his own expressive conduct. &ldquo;A reasonable observer would view Burns&rsquo; n...</p> Florida fails to pass bill increasing condo structural inspections following Champlain Towers collapse Niall Patrick Walsh 2022-03-14T15:38:00-04:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Florida&rsquo;s state legislature has <a href="" target="_blank">failed to pass a bill</a> which would have strengthened requirements to inspect and repair the state&rsquo;s aging condo stock. The new legislation was drafted in response to the <a href="" target="_blank">collapse of the Champlain Towers South condo building</a> in June 2021, which killed 98 people.</p> <p>The reform bills, one crafted by the state&rsquo;s House of Representatives and one by the state Senate, both included strict inspection measures for condo associations, incorporating recommendations from a <a href="" target="_blank">group of industry experts</a> set up after the Champlain Towers collapse. </p> <figure><figure><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a><figcaption>Archinect Feature: <a href="" target="_blank">A House of Cards: The Miami Condo Collapse Exposes a Dehumanized Mindset in the Built Environment</a></figcaption></figure></figure><p>Under the House bill, condo buildings three stories or higher would have to be recertified after 30 years of habitation, while buildings within 3 miles of the coast would have to be recertified after 25 years. Subsequent inspections would be required every 10 years thereafter. Such information would also be plac...</p> New York's deadliest fire in years was the product of a space heater and mechanical issues Josh Niland 2022-01-10T15:29:00-05:00 >2022-01-11T13:36:07-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>The fire was started by a malfunctioning space heater in the bedroom of a third-floor apartment on Sunday. Fire officials say the door of the apartment did not close as residents fled and that allowed smoke to spread throughout the building.</p></em><br /><br /><p>The deaths and injuries in Sunday&rsquo;s tragically avoidable accident were exclusively the product of smoke inhalation as the fire itself was contained to the apartment and outside hallway.&nbsp;</p> <p>The blaze came just days after another <a href="" target="_blank">horrible incident</a> in Philadelphia that claimed the lives of twelve people including eight children.&nbsp;</p> <p>The mayor&rsquo;s office officially revised the number of dead in the <a href="" target="_blank">Bronx</a> case to 17 early Monday. The department of buildings said it has no plans for the remaining structure following a preliminary inspection and that survivors will be offered relocation assistance from the Red Cross at this time.</p> <p>In response, the FDNY said that it was investigating a &ldquo;maintenance issue&rdquo; stemming from a faulty door that allowed the smoke to spread throughout the building. The company that owns the building sent <em>The New York Times</em> an email statement in which it claimed all of the doors in the 19-story structure were self-closing as required by law as late as July.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">According</a> to Lt. ...</p> Criminal charges have been filed in the accidental death of architect Erica Tishman Josh Niland 2021-12-23T18:16:00-05:00 >2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>A new development in the 2019 accidental death of <a href="" target="_blank">architect Erica Tishman</a> as criminal charges have been filed against property owners 729 Acquisitions LLC.</p> <p><a href="" target="_blank">NBC4 New York</a> is reporting that the administrative code charges were brought by the NYC Department of Buildings. The architect&rsquo;s family had <a href="" target="_blank">previously pursued</a> a civil case against the development company, which is managed by Himmel + Meringoff Partners, after claiming the architect&rsquo;s death was essentially <a href="" target="_blank">her own fault</a> in an initial liability suit brought against the city.</p> <p>"It is alleged that even though the defendants had been made aware of the deteriorating fa&ccedil;ade conditions that posed an immediate danger to the public, they failed to make necessary repairs and failed to install a sidewalk shed in front of the building to protect pedestrians from the unsafe fa&ccedil;ade conditions," NBC is reporting the DOB to have said.</p> <figure><p><a href=";enlarge=true&amp;w=1028" target="_blank"><img src=";enlarge=true&amp;w=514"></a></p><figcaption>Previously on Archinect: <a href="" target="_blank">Legal ramifications in the death of architect Erica Tishman escalate: New report shows in...</a></figcaption></figure> The building industry is preventing resiliency efforts in areas increasingly affected by deadly storms Josh Niland 2021-12-23T15:49:00-05:00 >2021-12-28T14:22:24-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>While experts say the technology and design standards exist to better protect people and buildings from tornadoes, attempts to incorporate those designs into building codes have repeatedly been blocked or curtailed by the building industry, according to public documents and people involved in efforts to tighten the model codes.</p></em><br /><br /><p>Resilient infrastructure in states like Kentucky and Tennessee that are increasingly <a href="" target="_blank">falling into the crosshairs</a> of deadly tornadoes as a likely result of <a href="" target="_blank">climate change-produced</a> atmospheric conditions and non-related weather patterns like La Ni&ntilde;a is becoming more and more imperative, as evidenced by the recent storm that killed 93 people in the region on December 10th.&nbsp;</p> <p>The challenge is not at all unsurmountable but is, however, corrupted by the building industry, critics charge. A <a href="" target="_blank">2012 proposal</a> that came in front of the rather powerful International Code Council and even had backers in the deep-pocketed insurance and concrete lobbies was ultimately blocked thanks to a coalition that included the National Association of Home Builders, among others.</p> <p>A typical &ldquo;safe room&rdquo; costs around $7,000 for a <a href=";gclid=Cj0KCQiA2ZCOBhDiARIsAMRfv9K-ssei4Yy2Fqh1oGG6QDqF2Ye3BGgOJH5HY1HyI5jbp5fLikM5CfYaAlHuEALw_wcB" target="_blank">single-family residential unit</a> and $100,000 for commercial structures like the ones that collapsed in Kentucky and Illinois, according to<em> The New York Times</em>.</p> <p>&ldquo;It really does kind of boil do...</p>