Archinect - News 2025-01-03T00:22:44-05:00 Revisiting CASE Conference Hosted by MIT HTC - 5/2/15 iche 2015-03-12T12:25:00-04:00 >2015-03-15T18:14:32-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Participants: CASE members Stanford Anderson, Anthony (Tony) Eardley, Peter Eisenman, Kenneth Frampton, Robert Kliment, Donlyn Lyndon, Michael McKinnell, Henry (Hank) Millon, Jaquelin (Jaque) Robertson, and Thomas (Tim) Vreeland, plus Robert Goodman, K. Michael Hays, Sylvia Lavin, Reinhold Martin, Joan Ockman, Felicity Scott, Anthony Vidler, and faculty and students from the History, Theory, and Criticism of Architecture and Art program at MIT.<br><br><em>Michael Graves, a member of CASE, passed away on March 12, 2015. His life, and his contributions to architecture, will be long remembered.</em></p><p>In 1964, a group of young architects got together to form CASE, the Conference of Architects for the Study of the Environment. Instigated by a young, recent doctorate from the University of Cambridge, Peter Eisenman, the group contained a swath of architectural intellects then newly stepping into American universities, many of whom would become formative institutional and intellectual forces in their own rig...</p>