Archinect - News 2025-01-02T23:55:16-05:00 Saving Buildings with Social Media (Or Not) Amelia Taylor-Hochberg 2014-11-19T14:56:00-05:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><em><p>We call it &ldquo;destructoporn&rdquo; (since 2007, according to Urban Dictionary) and it comes, unbidden, via digital media. Where did I see that Tod Williams and Billie Tsien&rsquo;s Folk Art Museum, just thirteen years old, was down to steel and rubble? The art critic Jerry Saltz&rsquo;s Instagram. [...] The dailiness, even hourliness, of social media makes it a perfect vehicle for documenting each thump of the wrecking ball, each crunch of the backhoe. Its visual slant is ideal for activism wrapped up in pictures.</p></em><br /><br /><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN" ""> <html><head><meta></head></html>