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Archinect's Lexicon: "Bike-Wash" Amelia Taylor-Hochberg2014-11-06T14:05:00-05:00>2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00
<img src="" border="0" /><p><em>Welcome to Archinect's Lexicon. Architecture notoriously appropriates and invents new language – sometimes to make appeals, sometimes to fill conceptual gaps, sometimes nonsensically. But once a word is used, it's alive, and part of the conversation. We're here to take notes.</em></p><p><strong>bike-wash</strong> [baɪk - ˈwɒʃ], noun: a pejorative term for the PR spin-tactic of making a design appear more bike-friendly than it actually is.</p><p>This definition was derived from what may likely be the term's first appearance, on Archinect's <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Working out of the Box interview with architect and cycling advocate, Steven Fleming</a>:</p><p><em>Then there are people who really surprise you, like the developers I met in America a few months ago. I thought talking to them about space for bikes inside apartments, to really incentivize riding, would be going too far—that they would only want to <strong>bike-wash</strong> their project with something like a shower down in the basement. They surprised me as well. But then they're like the government in Singapore:...</em></p>