Archinect - News2025-01-21T09:40:49-05:00
Editor's Picks #337 Nam Henderson2013-10-14T23:46:00-04:00>2013-10-16T05:48:51-04:00
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<a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">Amelia Taylor-Hochberg,</a> Editorial Manager for Archinect, traveled to Aedes Network Campus Berlin as a fly-on-the-wall, and reported back with <a href="" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">7 Lessons from the 3rd International Architectural Education Summit</a>. These were; 1) <strong>The relevancy of the “Architect” is fleeting</strong>, 2) <strong>Kids today don’t know a thing about radicalism</strong>, 3) <strong>The powers that be are male, and architecture is a gender-divisive practice</strong>, 4) <strong>Architects need to be “strategically naive”</strong>, 5) <strong>Architectural authority is not above democratic authority (?)</strong>, 6) <strong>Form before finances</strong> and lastly 7) <strong>The student has become the master (at least regarding computers)</strong>.</p>
<strong>In response </strong><strong>Thayer-D</strong> opined "<em>The main problem with architectural education isn't the lack of branding or radicalism, or even male dominated pedagogy (although that does suck). It's the lack of faith that tackling the myriad of issues associated with any given project will result in the most compelling and present project possible, regardless of one's aesthetic proclivi...</em></p>