Archinect - News2024-12-22T02:54:41-05:00
Nordic architects' open letter reignites scorching Autodesk criticism Josh Niland2022-09-21T15:47:00-04:00>2024-10-25T04:07:38-04:00
<img src="" border="0" /><p>Some of Northern Europe’s leading architecture firms have signed an <a href="" target="_blank">open letter</a> lamenting the lack of “serious development” laden in <a href="" target="_blank">Autodesk</a>’s proprietary design software, an aging suite of tools the authors claim is asking usurious prices despite neglecting years of industry-wide complaints.</p>
<p>The letter addressed to Autodesk CEO Andrew Anagnost was written by the Association of Consulting Architects in Norway (AiN), the Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices (ATL), the Association of Architectural Firms in Iceland (SAMARK), and the Danish Association of Architectural Firms — each the largest professional architectural bodies in their respective Nordic home countries and representing more than 14,000 architects combined. Its contents included pointed criticisms of the multi-user license system, the incompatibility and lagging interoperability of Autodesk products to each other and to modern computing systems, and continual price gouging.</p>
<p>Their invective offers an update to a <a href="" target="_blank">202...</a></p>