Archinect - Features 2024-06-04T10:11:58-04:00 Screen/Print #30: SOILED's "Cloudscrapers" Amelia Taylor-Hochberg 2015-03-31T09:01:00-04:00 >2018-01-30T06:16:04-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p><a href="" target="_blank"><strong>SOILED</strong></a> is back, dirtier than ever. Our first-ever&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank"><strong><em>Screen/Print</em></strong></a>&nbsp;featured <strong>SOILED'</strong>s <em><a href="" target="_blank">Windowscrapers</a></em>,&nbsp;and for its next issue, the Chicago-based publication devoted to making &ldquo;a mess of the built environment and the politics of space&rdquo; set it sights a bit higher up. After scraping the windows, it gazes to <em><a href="" target="_blank">Cloudscrapers</a></em>, centering its architectural storytelling into the upper reaches of our atmosphere.</p>