Archinect - Features 2024-06-17T10:04:14-04:00 The American War Memorials of Paul Philippe Cret Antonio Pacheco 2020-05-25T15:00:00-04:00 >2022-03-21T16:31:08-04:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Architects have long created memorials to commemorate dead from wars and other mass casualty events. In America, these structures, from the Washington Memorial to lesser known monuments located across the country commemorating the Union victories of the Civil War, play an important role in shaping and projecting a certain vision of American history.&nbsp;</p> <p>The French-American architect Paul Philippe Cret, active during the first five decades of the 20th century, is perhaps the most prolific American memorial designer. Here are a few of his creations.&nbsp;</p>