Newton D'souza

Newton D'souza

Miami, FL, US



Newton D’souza is Associate Professor and Chair at the Department of Interior Architecture, Florida International University, Miami. He has previously served as Director of Graduate Studies at the Department of Architectural Studies, University of Missouri, Columbia. He has published extensively in the areas of design cognition, environment-behavior studies, and emerging media environments for design. Over the past 20 years, he has practiced as a professional architect, interior designer, and educator and was a recipient of 2014 Ernest L. Boyer International Award for Excellence in Teaching, Learning, and Technology.

Newton's Featured Articles on Archinect

Are the Doors Closing on the Open Office?, Tue, Nov 17 '20

As workers return to their offices after the regional lockdowns implemented to stop the spread of Coronavirus, there is a new reckoning in the workplace: Will the open office survive? 

Are the Doors Closing on the Open Office?

Op-Ed: Time, Space, and Adaptive Reuse in the Age of Social Distancing , Wed, May 20 '20

In the current pandemic era, social distancing has become synonymous to maintaining “six foot distance” to contain the community spread of COVID-19. This essentially puts architectural space at a premium for both designers and the public. To mitigate these effects, could thinking of “time” ...

Op-Ed: Time, Space, and Adaptive Reuse in the Age of Social Distancing

How will Home Designs Change in the Age of Social Distancing? , Wed, Apr 22 '20

The nature of many of our professions to conduct business and service in close proximity demands us to be confined to our homes and neighborhoods for indefinite period of time resulting in “self-isolation” or “quarantine.” What does this mean to design of homes? How will it upend the ...

How will Home Designs Change in the Age of Social Distancing?


Florida International University, Miami, Chair and Associate Professor of Interior Architecture

Jan 2020 - current


Jan 2001 - Dec 2007