Archinect - Features 2024-06-03T01:00:36-04:00 Urban Archive Opens a New Door for Digital Architectural Archives Katherine Guimapang 2020-01-17T14:52:00-05:00 >2020-01-17T14:54:49-05:00 <img src="" border="0" /><p>Historical archives and repositories are notorious for holding endless amounts of data and information of the built environment while struggling with offering public accessibility and access. The team at <a href="" target="_blank">Urban Archive</a>, a non-profit technology app, aims to merge passions for history, architecture, technology, and preservation to create a platform that enables others to not only learn about, but also experience the built environment in a whole new way.&nbsp;<br></p> <p>Powered by a diverse team of professionals that includes preservationists, urbanists, coders, and museum specialists, Urban Archive has spent the past three years creating a new face for historical building archives. According to team member Sam Addeo, "This blend of technology, institutional buy-in, and data allows architects and students to trace contemporary debates over development and urban policy (including topics like gentrification, housing, and transit access) back to the records themselves."&nbsp;Archinect connected the multidisci...</p>