Romi Sofi

Romi Sofi

Miami, FL, US

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I am a recent Master of Architecture graduate from the University of Miami School of Architecture.  I am passionate about exploring the intersection of design, technology, and sustainability to create innovative and socially impactful built environments.

Throughout my academic journey, I have immersed myself in diverse design projects that have equipped me with a comprehensive understanding of architectural principles and methodologies. From conceptualization to execution, I have honed my skills in architectural design, digital modeling, visualization, and building technologies.

Previously, I graduated from the University of Maryland with a Bachelor's of Arts in Criminology & Criminal Justice. I am grateful for the opportunity to have continued my studies and change career paths to my passion, Architecture, and understand the design process of our built environment.



Kobi Karp Architecture & Interior Design, Miami, FL, US, Architectural Intern

Assisting architects with the drafting of architectural drawings such as life safety plans, lighting plans, site and zoning analysis, elevations, and floor plans utilizing softwares such as AutoCAD and Revit daily.

Daily office management tasks, including organization of meeting rooms and signing and sealing city documents.

May 2023 - Mar 2024

Naphtali Deutsch Architecture, Miami, FL, Spring Architectural Intern

Assisting head architect in the drafting of architectural drawings as well as the surveying of interiors, utilizing softwares such as AutoCAD, Rhino3D and SketchUp daily.

Dec 2022 - Feb 2023


University of Miami, Coral Gables, MArch, M.Arch I

Aug 2021 - May 2024

University of Maryland, College Park, MD, US, Bachelors, Criminology & Criminal Justice

Aug 2017 - May 2021

John L. Miller Great Neck North High School, Great Neck, NY, High School, N/A

Sep 2013 - Jun 2017

Areas of Specialization 
