zenan zhang

zenan zhang

New York, NY, US

exterior rendering
exterior rendering
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Cargo in the Erie Canal

Public Restroom Design with Used Shipping Containers and Tires

-This project was started with solving two problems: the lack of public restroom in downtown Syracuse; increasing amount of abandoned shipping containers and scrap tires, which led to the idea of designing a public restroom using shipping containers and tires as main structural materials.

-The general idea of this design is looking to the history of Erie Canal. The main structure of this design is located on a sunk level, indicating cargos in the Erie Canal during the old days.

-Materials used for this design fits the concept of Canal both aesthetically and meaningfully. Form generation is also influenced by the city plan of the area between E. Washington St., S. Clinton St. and City Hall.

-The whole structure mainly functions as a public restroom, meanwhile, the general area also provides entertainment and relaxation for people at Clinton Square.

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Status: School Project
Location: Syracuse, NY, US
Additional Credits: Instructor: Prof. Zeke Leonard & Jennifer Hamilton

exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
exterior rendering
interior rendering
interior rendering
interior rendering
interior rendering
interior rendering
interior rendering
 city plan of the area between E. Washington St., S. Clinton St. and City Hall
city plan of the area between E. Washington St., S. Clinton St. and City Hall
floor plan
floor plan