University of Kentucky

University of Kentucky

Lexington, KY


Jimenez Lai Lecture & Workshop

By ukcod
Oct 17, '12 8:49 AM EST

Jimenez Lai of Bureau Spectacular led a drawing workshop for 15 students from the School of Architecture. The workshop began with a discussion which focused on a wide range of topics such as figural forms, sensibilities of line-types, acute angles, sulking, optimism, and misbehaving.

Each student participant contributed to a tiled drawing featuring scenes of augmented domesticity - projecting new, imaginative possibilities for a domestic context with orthographic projections as well as plan and section drawings. The students were able to gain a greater understanding about pertinent topics within the discipline of architecture such as plan versus section, figure ground relationships, architectural forms, and the architectural narrative.

Ultimately, the students gained insight into novel ways to rethink conventional forms of representation - in this case, freehand figural drawing.