Columbia University

Columbia University

New York, NY

What comes after specialization? Jeanne Gang

Wed, Feb 15 '12
New York, NY, US

6:30PM - 8:00PM
Wood Auditorium, Avery Hall

Jeanne Gang, Studio Gang Architects, Chicago

"Jeanne Gang is an architect challenging the aesthetic and technical possibilities of the art form in a wide range of structures," reported the MacArther Foundation when it named her a Fellow in 2011. In this lecture, the Founder and Principal of Studio Gang Architects will map the poster-specialized terrain of professional practice. Her recent work include a new and ecologically sensitive boardwalk at the Lincoln Park Zoo that doubles as an outdoor classroom, a media production center at Columbia College Chicago that Blueprint praised for its "long corridors that use a variety of windows, lighting sources, and perspectives to animate the visual field and expose the building's programming. Each of reference images from classic films by canonical directors -- Alfred Hitchcock, Stanley Kubrick, Orson Welles, John Ford, Yasujiro Ozu, Jacques Tati," and the Aqua Tower, an 82-story mixed use skyscraper. #wood021512

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