Sally McFadden

Sally McFadden

Oakland, CA, US

Multiple garage door openings create a soft-story condition at a condominium in Oakland, CA.
Multiple garage door openings create a soft-story condition at a condominium in Oakland, CA.
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This multi-story condominium complex sits in the rift zone of the Hayward Fault.  A recent rash of local earthquakes inspired the owners to find the funds required to address the ground level soft-story condition.  We designed three Ordinary Steel Moment Frames at the garage to increase the lateral load capacity of the building.  The frames were installed in existing door bays without reducing clearance or affecting usable space.  We had to deal with the usual tangle of plumbing and electrical lines and keep disruption to a minimum. 

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Status: Built
Location: Oakland, CA, US
My Role: Project Engineer, Smith Engineering, Inc., Oakland CA
Additional Credits: Calin Smith, P.E., Owner & Principal Engineer, Smith Engineering, Inc.
N.T. Lewis Construction, Oakland, CA
Bob's Iron, Oakland CA

Foundation and connections at new steel Ordinary Moment Frames.
Foundation and connections at new steel Ordinary Moment Frames.
Examination of applicable load combinations.
Examination of applicable load combinations.
Example hand calculation.
Example hand calculation.
Example hand calculation.
Example hand calculation.