Rosaura Hernandez Romero

Rosaura Hernandez Romero

Succasunna, NJ, US

Valsain Wood Research Center
Valsain Wood Research Center

Valsain's Wood Research Center in Spain

El centro de madera esta hubicado en el punto mas alto para aprovechar las vistas y de su cercania

a la plaza principal. El edificio se divide con las areas publicas al lado de la plaza y lo privado al otro

extremo. Sus extremos, la area de residencias y la area de prototipos se extienden formando una U

y abrazan sus areas exteriores para activar una nueva Plaza.

(translation to english)

The Wood research center is located at the highest point of Valsain in order to take advantage of the views to the forest and the access from the major Plaza. The building is divided into three areas. The public side is next to the plaza while the private sector, where the researchers reside remains in the other extreme in isolation. The U form allows for this separation, on one side you  find the residences and on the other the public prototype exhibition. The U form enclose an outdoor area, where the a new plaza is activated and the views of the mountains are framed. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Segovia, ES