Stephen Stewart

Stephen Stewart

Albany, CA, US



Edge City, is a new vision for integration of urban and agricultural systems in Hanoi, Vietnam. The project re-envisions the potential of an urban growth boundary. Located 17 km West of Hanoi’s city center, EdgeCity is a one-square kilometer site along one of several proposed ring highways slated to provide North-South auto access around Hanoi’s urban edge. According to the Hanoi 2030 masterplan, Ring Road 4 will be the outermost highway to the west of Hanoi. Beyond it, hundreds of thousands of hectares of agricultural land are the economic engine of Hanoi’s food economy, feeding the 6.5 million residents in the metropolitan region. Instead of an urban edge demarcated by the line created by the highway, EdgeCity creates an interface, leveraging the economic linkage between fresh food production and consumption to design an urban fabric that better integrates the urban/agricultural edge. The project is a prototype of a spatial concentration of an integrated food economy where fresh food production, storage, packaging, processing and distribution exist together along a dynamic corridor. Therefore, the project proposes a phased development that arises from the agricultural landscape, ensuring safe water treatment systems and flood management for residents and fields. The result is a vibrant place where people can live and work along the urban edge, close to agriculture, and connected to the source of their food.

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Status: School Project
Location: Hanoi Bac Mai, VN
Additional Credits: Benjamin Golze, Michelle Gonzales, Anna Konotchick, Edward Reifenstein, Jennifer
Siqueira, Monica Way, Leo X. Zhao