Kristen C

Kristen C

Windsor, ON, CA



This daycare facility was a very general project for interior spacial planning, which turned into one of my favorite design projects. I really dug my heals into the ground on this one and tried to work almost all angles of this project. I considered all aspects to relations of room interaction and placement on the site.

The aspect of this project that took into the most consideration was the natural lighting and how it would effect the building and rooms within. The building was placed pretty squarely N-S & E-W which was a great indicator as to where to place the rooms with the most sun exposure and least. Being a day care facility there were general classrooms, infant napping rooms, general gathering space for the students and administration offices. I oriented the general classrooms to be facing north with large windows to allow for the soft natural sun exposure to come through. On the south side where I wanted to minimize the amount of direct sun I developed a concept of clerestory windows with angled walls to reflect/deflect the intensity of the sun.

For the facade I developed a modular paneling system that would blend in with the paneling system of the windows. This was intended for visual balance and conformity. The only party of the building that wasn't intended to be a part of the modular system was the center of the building which is the general gathering space for the students or the "hub" to the building.

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Status: School Project
Additional Credits: I received an Honors Certificate for this project.