Katherine Range

Katherine Range

Columbus, GA, US

Competition Board
Competition Board


To re-envision and reconstruct a classroom we deconstructed its uses with the students of Cardozo Senior High School in Washington D.C.. Classrooms should efficiently provide environments that maximize opportunities for learning and easily be reconfigured for a variety of interactions. The wider the range of teaching and learning styles accommodated the more opportunities there are to learn. The range of activities that students participate in is quite vast, from traditional study hall to co-operatives in the community. While speaking with students and teachers it is easy to see that they want classrooms to be transformable spaces that they can personalize for the uniqueness of the school and class’ culture.

A modular design with interchangeable parts provides maximum flexibility for the inhabitants. Units can be configured for a range of occupants and occupancies, from children to young adults, from a music lesson to a lecture or film. To provide flexibility within the space, furniture is light weight and easily moved to storage areas just under the floor. Larger pieces such as desks and shelves are rotated into position. Modular Bathroom components and storage components can be inserted into classroom layouts as needed. The space is also designed for digital projection systems and computer interactions such as the more traditional Smartboards or wireless Mimio.

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Status: Unbuilt