Sherree Streety

Sherree Streety

Lancaster, PA , US

1/4 scale model
1/4 scale model
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Fifth year thesis project - Residential Treatment Center for Youth

This thesis aims to put the family back into the forefront of troubled youth. Most youth social learning is derived from the family first. A re-connection that puts the family back into the central role can serve to encourage the troubled youth to act responsibly in their environment in spite of the obstacles brought on by peers, school, neighborhood, and a broader cultural context.


The residential treatment center has is usually based with-in the community. This and the constant presence of family   both in the treatment and providing moral support, will discourage the possibility of re-offenses for the juvenile. 

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Status: School Project
Location: Kensington, PA, US

Facility perpective
Facility perpective
Facility perpective
Facility perpective