Rajan Mistry

Rajan Mistry

Corona, CA, US

600 sq. ft. Cactus Garden on Slope
600 sq. ft. Cactus Garden on Slope
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1589 San Ponte Road

Typology: Landscape Architecture
Client: The Mistry Family
Location: Corona, California
Year Completed: 2011

A landscaping project is an interesting endevour. It is the sensitive allocation of built hardscape and living softscape. Features of this particular project that should be highlighted are the uses of hardscape as a functional space and as a rock garden, and the uses of softscape as a public display for the neighbourhood as well as a very productive vegetable garden.

Landscape architecture is alive and changes every season; the images below will depict these changes. Check back next season to see the progression. . .


Please visit for a full profile on this, and other RMS design projects

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Status: Built
Location: Corona, CA, US

300 sq. ft. Rockery / Pottery Hardscape
300 sq. ft. Rockery / Pottery Hardscape
Shaded Area with Brick and Fireplace
Shaded Area with Brick and Fireplace
Unshaded Area with White Marble and Bench
Unshaded Area with White Marble and Bench