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Cardborigami: Designed to Help the Homeless

The Cardborigami shelter is on display at the Berkshire Museum's latest exhibit, 'PaperWorks: The Art and Science of an Extraordinary Material' until October 2013. The Cardborigami team putting their innovation to the test at Skid Row in Los Angeles. The Cardborigami team putting their innovation to the test at Skid Row in Los Angeles. The shelter's interior, on display at a past Dwell on Design event in Los Angeles. Cardborigami raising awareness at the Venice Sleep Out in Venice, CA Cardborigami raising awareness at the Venice Sleep Out in Venice, CA. Cardborigami raising awareness at the Venice Sleep Out in Venice, CA.

Cardborigami raising awareness at the Venice Sleep Out in Venice, CA

Cardborigami raising awareness at the Venice Sleep Out in Venice, CA