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Diana Balmori, revered landscape architect, has died at age 84

Diana Balmori. Photo: Balmori Associates. Arc Wildlife Crossing. Screenshot from Balmori.com 684 Broadway. Image: Balmori.com Abandoibarra District, Master Plan, Bilbao Spain. Image: Balmori.com Green roof at Silvercup Studios. Image: Balmori.com Prairie Waterway Stormwater Park. Image: Balmori.com GrowOnUs Floating Landscape in the Gowanus Canal. Image: Balmori.com The Garden That Climbs the Stairs. Image: Balmori.com

GrowOnUs Floating Landscape in the Gowanus Canal. Image: Balmori.com

GrowOnUs Floating Landscape in the Gowanus Canal. Image: Balmori.com