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Assemble, EXTRACTION, Finn Wilkie, and Tinker imagineers are among this week's winners

2015 RIBA President's Medals Students Awards - SILVER MEDAL (best design project at Part 2): Finn Wilkie - The Mackintosh School of Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art. | Project: ‘The Heteroglossic City: A polemic against critical reconstruction in Berlin’. Assemble won the 2015 Turner Prize, becoming the first architecture group to receive the prestigious art award. Photo © Assemble. 2015 RIBA President's Medals Students Awards - SILVER MEDAL (best design project at Part 2): Finn Wilkie - The Mackintosh School of Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art. | Project: ‘The Heteroglossic City: A polemic against critical reconstruction in Berlin’. The RIBA Grand Jury (left to right): Richard Rogers, Philip Gumuchdjian, Kunlé Adeyemi. The full jury will be announced in 2016. Which Rolex Arts Initiative architecture protégé will get to work with David Chipperfield in 2016? Photo courtesy Rolex Arts Initiative. EXTRACTION to represent Canada in the 2016 Venice Architecture Biennale. Pictured: Sardinia Geomineral Park (UNESCO) – 8,000 Years of Mining 1:1,000,000. Image courtesy of OPSYS. Interior Airplayship Ronald McDonald House at the Juliana's Children's Hospital, designed by Tinker imagineering. Photo credit: Fred Ernst. EyeTime 2015 - EMERGING TALENT - JURY WINNER: Vanessa Vettorello - 'Bollywood Talkies'

2015 RIBA President's Medals Students Awards - SILVER MEDAL (best design project at Part 2): Finn Wilkie - The Mackintosh School of Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art. | Project: ‘The Heteroglossic City: A polemic against critical reconstruction in Berlin’.

2015 RIBA President's Medals Students Awards - SILVER MEDAL (best design project at Part 2): Finn Wilkie - The Mackintosh School of Architecture at The Glasgow School of Art. | Project: ‘The Heteroglossic City: A polemic against critical reconstruction in Berlin’.