Kirill Morozov

Kirill Morozov

Seoul, KR



The location of SNU is very dramatic and unique . It is all surrounded by wild nature stretches for many miles in all directions. The environment in campus is very clean and fresh. The landscape is ruled by it ‘s natural curve and background amazes by its huge mountains, trees and small streams.

The distribution of «urbanization» is not equal along the area. The majority of colleges are located next to the main gate and in the middle of campus. moving up to the hill the concentration of buildings is gradually decreasing, giving way to vegetation.

The location of ANNEX is controversial. From the one side it continues urban flow starting from the beginning but from another it is a meet point of endless nature. 39동 building on the north and the opposite hill on the south block the view but west and east sides open up a beautiful and continuous scenery of nature.

If we turn on the inversion of colors in the image of site analysis map we can see the same picture from absolutely different perspective. Those perspective gives us a new way of thinking, new ideas and new way we see a project.

«inversion diagram» reminds me a view of coastal site with few independent islands. next to the land (urban area) there are two light houses in the ocean (nature) indicating the end of the land and the beginning of sea expansion.

Those «lighthouses» is a personification of viewpoints of my project. It is a border between solid vs soft and it's critical for me to make design which can be suitable and appropriate for both different dimensions.

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Status: School Project