Michela Barone Lumaga

Michela Barone Lumaga

New York, NY, US


Frugal Brick Product development and prototyping of a brick for TATA Center for Technology and Design

This research investigates India’s brick manufacturing methods to implement a new formula for a bagasse fly ash brick, and comprises of a discovery component in which brick shapes are tested to create wall patterns and to illustrate an innovative construction grammar. The Frugal Brick Project is sponsored by TATA and MIT Energy Initiative.
This project endeavors to find fast, green, and intelligent building solutions to accommodate India’s rapid population growth. According to the United Nations Development Program in India, 140 billion bricks were produced during the year 2000-2001. Brick production is estimated to be growing at a rate of 4% per year, 70% of which is through bull trench kilns. The industry employs 8 million workers. Approximately 500 sq Km of agricultural land is adversely affected by soil excavation (ranging from 0.5 to 2 meter depth) for material used in annual brick production.
The objectives of the Frugal Brick Project are to mitigate and remediate the pollution associated with industrial waste, specifically paper mills in Muzzaffarnagar, India, while implementing a low cost construction product.

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Status: Built
Location: India
My Role: Product Designer