Kia Massoudi

Kia Massoudi

Berlin, DE


Regeneration Project : Sardaran & Ataei axes

Sardaran and Ataei axes are the oldest axes and main cores of Urmia CBD and despite their vital value and importance, got very rusty as the time passed by. Yet the very old and inefficience is the most crowded car-based streets, always full of cars and people creepin in each other. The other difficulty of the project was the super dense and old residential structure of the whole texture, which made any type of hasty and direct intervention almost impssible.
So the whole project was based on a long term scenario to bring all the traffic in main axes underground, while making the overal surfaces much more pleasant for pedestrian and different mixed-use landuses. The project also consists of a huge social study to make any intervention in manners of intelligence and knowledge and prevent any kind of negative reactions and side effects.

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Status: Unbuilt
Location: Urmia, IR
My Role: Designer, Planner