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Or I could use my legs to walk to my job as a degree-having registered architect with 25+ years of experience then use the proceeds from that job to pay a laborer.

Feb 17, 14 11:14 am  · 

I don't  think I would turn and eye if I were in stocking and heals.  Six more inches blowing in on Tuesday. 

I have a snow shovel and I have a square faced shovel which is smaller and heavier.  I  use it for the extreme ice like at my back door.  The Door is located on an inside corner thus valley of roof is right on the corner.  Roof pitch 12/12 so a lot of snow settles in that valley and when it melts there is always a lot of ice and water.  I actually have a wood deck in this are which is not nailed down, so it is loose and rocks back and forth when you walk across it.  It is restrained by the house on two sides, a raised deck (2") on one side and one nailed board at the outer edge of the deck  This allows for melting water to pass thru the boards except on extreme situations.  So the Flame thrower is out,  I would not use my all purpose 6' long 40# pry/tamping bar cause I would be be afraid of damaging the deck.  So I guess I stuck with waiting for temps to rise enough that I can break  the ice loose.

Feb 17, 14 12:49 pm  · 

The best snow shovel is a long handled aluminum scoop. Not good for ice or solid hardpack, then you need steel. For fluffy snow a push broom works well. You can either sweep it away or into piles to be shoveled. Icy stoops and decks can be made manageable with beach towels. Wet them a bit to get them to stick if they don't.

I prefer sawdust to salt, not just because I have a shop full of the stuff but because it's not caustic.

Feb 17, 14 1:05 pm  · 

sawdust to give you traction?  salt lowers the freezing point of ice so it goes away quicker (unless it's really cold).  i hear beet juice works well for that too.

as a degree-having registered architect with 10+ years of experience, i might have to use my legs to go shovel the neighbor's drive to supplement my regular income so i can make a decent living.

Feb 17, 14 1:23 pm  · 

Exactly. And the sawdust for traction, too

Feb 17, 14 1:28 pm  · 

in spite it being for a noob, snooker dropped the knowledge for the OP over at


getting ready to settle in for night. finishing some bourbon now, tea boiling, and slice of cake waiting...

Feb 17, 14 10:49 pm  · 

don't use your legs - use your thighs.  put the shovel between your thighs and run at the snow yelling "I AM THE SNOW GODDESS!!!!  ALL MUST TREMBLE AT MY THUNDER THIGHS!!! KAPOW KAPOW KAPOW!!!!"  until someone else shovels the walk for you.  or the snow runs away in fear... whatever comes first.

Feb 17, 14 11:07 pm  · 

and that is how you get thunder snow.

Feb 17, 14 11:10 pm  · 

and make sure you use some sawdust... for, uh... "traction."

Feb 17, 14 11:15 pm  · 

Nam, snook is teacher's pet.

toast, time for a cold shower. 

Feb 17, 14 11:15 pm  · 

is your water heater not working?

Feb 17, 14 11:57 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Nam, it makes me wonder if Snook clads all his buildings in Coreten.
Feb 18, 14 8:10 am  · 

Only secret I kept  is where to buy the stuff from.  It is easy to get ripped off.

Feb 18, 14 12:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

An art teacher, one that lends me supplies and books, gave me a tshirt today.  It's his own design, but its YELLOW, I mean, school bus yellow, and the image, his own artwork, isn't really my style.  It's a large, so I'm not too worried about having to wear it, but I feel bad that I don't like it. 

What would you do?

I may hand it up in the classroom, along with the prom shirts that students have designed.

Feb 18, 14 5:40 pm  · 

I read you student were designing  PORN SHIRTS....Guess it is time for new Glasses!

Feb 18, 14 6:32 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Ha! They're HS kids in Texas. Most probably have seen porn, but they squirm like crazy if I say penis; you should see them react when they accidentally get boobs in a google image search.

That said, one if my students' dad is an artist/clothing designer in CA. He has a necklace with a unicorn giving it to a panda in his store. It cracks me up. Embarrassed the kid, though.
Feb 18, 14 8:48 pm  · 

My 10yo son told me the low point of his day yesterday was that they had to do a Russian dance in music class so he had to link arms with a girl and it was embarrassing.  He won't even tell me the name of the girl. In a few short years he'll be googling boobs.

Feb 19, 14 7:52 am  · 

My daughter just brought her boyfriend home from college. 

Feb 19, 14 8:03 am  · 

Oooh, Miles, so you're up against the "where does he sleep?" question?!? Good luck!

Feb 19, 14 8:28 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Obviously he sleeps on the couch!  How else will she get the 'sneak downstairs in the middle of the night' and 'oh, I just needed a glass of water' stories?


I wonder, Donna, if that means he secretly likes her.  When I was in Ohio for elementary school, relationships weren't pushed on children.  Here in Texas, boys and girls are set-up as a couple as early as pre-school!  Obviously, they aren't REALLY dating, but the parents will encourage it, and teach the boy to hold one girl as special compared to the others, or teach the girl to find one boy to prize her over the others.  It's a bit disturbing to be, to tell the truth.  It's one thing to tease a young boy about liking a girl, K-I-S-S-I-N-G in trees, and such, but for the parents to buy special valentines day gifts for him to give to the girl, or to get excited, and cheer for them to hug and kiss?  And they just started Kindergarten!  I don't know.  Maybe I'm just a prude.  It seems odd.

Is it like that up there?

Feb 19, 14 9:18 am  · 

In many places that would be considered sexual harassment.

Feb 19, 14 9:20 am  · 
Yeah, Sarah, I agree with you that that's weird.
Feb 20, 14 5:41 am  · 
I would have words with any parent pulling that BS w my daughter, especially at that age.
Feb 20, 14 10:53 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Good evening! Been absent for a bit!

Feb 20, 14 8:12 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Glad you all agree with me!

Hi, TiNT!


On another note, I came across this video yesterday on inDesign.  It's genius.  Makes me annoyed that I've been doing everything the hard way.  Inserting images one at a time, resizing them by double-clicking and dragging the handles, changing the text font on each and every text box by selecting the text >clicking the font menu > selecting the font > and then changing the size.  I feel like such a newb.

I'm definitely going to use it with my students, and one of the things that I'm a bit excited about is that the presenter/teacher/tutorial maker is a black man.  I'm excited to show kids something other than white people doing all the tutorials.  That graphic designers can be from anywhere and with any background.  I think it will be positive.  Heck, they may not even notice, or maybe it will all be subliminal.  Am I making sense?  Maybe I'm just rambling.  I am realizing that I don't have intelligent people to talk to about these deeper topics.  Guess TC is becoming my stand-in.

Feb 21, 14 9:24 am  · 

hi, tint!


I've been thinking a lot lately about whether or not bicycling (and non-car forms of transportation for that matter) is truly a social justice issue.  Now, I know it's not the same as other issues since most people can choose which form of mobility they use (depending on your economic/physical situation)... but by choosing to bicycle, you do often face harassment and threats of violence when you are legally using roadways - and in many online comments discussing cycling issues, you will also find some disturbing comments aimed at cyclists - which is primarily what sparked my interest.


I did a quick search last night to see if other people were thinking the same thing and came across this:


Is bicycling a civil rights issue?


also a link from that commentary:  bicycling's gender gap.


and it case you're wondering what this all possibly has to do with architecture - there is a direct relationship between patterns of development and primary forms of mobility - how, what, and where we build is directly tied to how we get around.


I thought I'd share in case anyone was interested.

Feb 21, 14 10:20 am  · 

Saw this and it reminded me of the shoveling conversation this week.  Seems like it might be cheaper than a laborer long term.  But I'm in Texas. What do I know?


Feb 21, 14 12:21 pm  · 

Yes, jitter, that's what I want.  With heated handles. And bourbon-cup holder.

Feb 21, 14 3:51 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

But Donna, we learned last month that you get hypothermia if you drink alcohol when it's cold.

And Jitter, if our winters continue the way they have been, we may need one of those sooner than later.

Feb 21, 14 4:01 pm  · 

I don't want a snow-thrower.  I want a snow-blower!  with heated handles and a sit down seat.  You know one I can race at the Country Fairs in the summer time and it has to  have a hydo-booster.

Feb 21, 14 4:24 pm  · 

bourbon > hypothermia?! that must be some science conspiracy or something. us kentuckians'll never believe it. 

Feb 21, 14 4:26 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Same camp as global warming?

Feb 21, 14 4:55 pm  · 

exactly! it would be terribly inconvenient to believe in that hypothermia mumbo-jumbo. 

Feb 21, 14 5:26 pm  · 
Bourbon solves all problems from cold weather to dandruff to boring tv.

I had an excellent selection if raw seafood tonight. And bourbon.
Feb 21, 14 11:17 pm  · 

Sushi in Indy?!

Feb 22, 14 11:18 am  · 

Yes, there are airplanes.

Feb 22, 14 12:43 pm  · 

miles - we're spoiled here on the coasts - I have a fish place in my neighborhood where the only thing not caught the same morning is the salt-cured fish.  You have to call around 10am to see what he picked up to ask him to hold something for you - otherwise you're getting squid and maybe skate.


speaking of spreads of raw fish - I remember one time me and the ms.  had this spread of both salt and fresh water fish - never again am I going to eat fresh-water sushi. 

Feb 22, 14 7:40 pm  · 

There is an excellent sushi place a two-minute walk from my house. The chef is a friend, I've known him for over 20 years and we've been to Japan together. As such, I'm pretty selective about sushi.

Feb 22, 14 8:00 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton


Feb 22, 14 8:29 pm  · 

Sorry, I thought we were playing can you top this?

The only problem is I can't afford to eat there much.

Feb 22, 14 9:27 pm  · 

the sushi place in my neighborhood is korean-owned - it's still pretty good - not the best sushi place in the city, but good.  I'm mostly obsessed with ramen and japanese curry places, though.  and I have a question for Will - when you get curry, are you supposed to get something else with it?  it's just a plate with rice, meat, and curry sauce.  I like it - I usually get chicken katsu curry with a cup of barley tea, but I always feel like I should also be eating a vegetable.

Feb 22, 14 10:20 pm  · 

right click seems to work in the comment box again

Feb 23, 14 12:08 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

My favorite curry is at a Nepali (nepalese?) restaurant. 

Feb 23, 14 2:53 pm  · 

Pickled that is the Ticket...

Feb 23, 14 3:07 pm  · 

sushi's pretty good here, too. ditto on the planes. [there are perks to being a ups hub other than nearby amazon, zappos, and netflix warehouses.]

Feb 23, 14 3:47 pm  · 

Snook, smoked kippers for me. Either I'll put an entire tin in some garlic mashed potatoes and spread it on rye toast or I'll get some really good sourdough and eat it straight with baby spinach and a little thousand island dressing and scalions. I do this at least twice a month.

Feb 23, 14 8:17 pm  · 

Tonight I ate trout caviar from North Carolina.  Very tasty.

Feb 23, 14 9:26 pm  · 

Honestly, you guys, per correl was just a too-far-advanced prophet.

Feb 23, 14 9:48 pm  · 

I'm allergic to fish roe. But not to fish. Go figure.

Feb 23, 14 10:41 pm  · 

speaking of per correl, this project looks likes something he would have put together:

Feb 24, 14 10:02 am  · 

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