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sounds like the moral of the story is you should have left nails exposed on pine....

yes, the government is still shut down.  i believe the latest news was from one of the microphones they didn't know was on, where rand paul was telling mitch mconnel that republicans were winning.  because that's what's important.  if you cut the pay of nearly a million americans, you should really be concerned about who's winning.

Oct 5, 13 9:03 pm  · 

Lucy is up and around, a bit dizzy but calm and functioning. Thanks for the kind thoughts.

I'll bet that salon was not detailed in CAD but on site as it was assembled. Lot's of stuff going on up there - HVAC, lighting, sprinklers, etc. A bit cold for my taste, but a stylish use of cheap material and a fun outcome.

One of the most beautiful things I've ever seen was a small cedar gate in Kyoto. The grain was weathered to the texture of deep corduroy and the stain from the iron nails left dark streaks that ran down the curving pattern of the grain. I think it was at Nijō-jō. Wabi sabi.

As to the Fed, I'm pretty sure this is how the (inaptly named) right is going to force their austerity agenda on the country. Killing health care is just one part of it.

But I've now managed to get signed up to the point of being able to peruse various plans. It's not particularly clear what the differences are between them, and it is absolutely clear that all the "providers" are guaranteed full premiums and profits by Uncle Sam, but it looks like we *might* actually get affordable care.

It seems too good to be true, which worries me ... but not as much as a picture of snook in nothing but an ascot. You can see my father in his bandana here if you like. That's me winking at RISD graduation.

Oct 5, 13 10:35 pm  · 

I thought the bandanna would be around his head, renegade style.  That's more tame than what I expected.  God, I remember when we wore our hair like that growing up.  Now, haircuts are a monthly ritual, to avoid looking too "Brady."

Oct 5, 13 10:45 pm  · 

Nice pic, Miles.


I just gorge-read Where'd You Go, Bernadette? Considering starting a thread about it.

Oct 6, 13 8:33 pm  · 

bought another painting yesterday, i'm liking this art collecting gig. i've amassed maybe 30 pieces or so, of photos, prints, paintings, drawings, etchings, but no sculpture - this is a tough one.

Oct 6, 13 9:28 pm  · 

^ Show and tell.

Oct 6, 13 10:34 pm  · 

Hey TC!

it's late but i had a chance to catch up with a friend, last minute, tonight (it had been a minute) and just now getting to bed.

Also, i finally got around to "loading" photos from my road-trip this past Sept, from CO to FL.

Finally, re: the Fed recently read this; from Ben S. Bernanke re: timing of Fed retreat from its monetary stimulus  "We have been overoptimistic"

Finally, beta what Miles said? link?

Oct 6, 13 11:33 pm  · 

Nam - I like 976 (nice digs), 1030, 1038, and 1176 best of all.  Kudos for 963 for capturing the "Shick razor" building.  All of them are good.  All zoo pictures are fun.  That goes without saying.  It's weird how Denver gets kind of gray and slightly humid in the late afternoons, before letting a thunderstorm rip.

Oct 6, 13 11:43 pm  · 

I miss per.

Oct 7, 13 10:02 am  · 

@Donna what happened to per? I thought i saw him around not that long ago...

Oct 7, 13 10:35 am  · 

I still see him on Facebook, I just miss his specific single-mindedness here -  the book I just read about the lunatic architect made me think of him.

Oct 7, 13 11:07 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Donna, don't worry. There is still enough single-mindedness around here!

I have the day off today. It's "fair day." A day where you don't have school so you can go to the state fair without the weekend crowds.
Oct 7, 13 1:37 pm  · 
David Cuthbert

phew it's been a while since I've been in here. I'm still alive. Life has for the most part been very eventful since this summer. A quit recap.

finally completed my architects registration, wife and I interviewed for jobs in Tallahassee, wife's grandmother died, got promoted at current job, starting practicing, dropped a website (there's not much on it) and working to complete my school's journal on prototyping. Phew.

How are you? Donna, Jump, Nam, Per, Vado, Paul, Steven, Orhan, Curtkram, Sarah, Puddles, b3tadine[sutures]??? Apologies if I forgot anyone 

Oct 7, 13 2:42 pm  · 

Hey David! Tallahassee would be awful close to where I am....

Oct 7, 13 3:46 pm  · 
Would be nice to hear from rusty again too, speaking of crazy.
Oct 7, 13 7:18 pm  · 

I'm wondering how jla-x is doing ...

Oct 7, 13 7:32 pm  · 

i'm fine.  weather is getting cooler, which i am enjoying.  i just pulled a banana pepper out of the garden and put it in my sammich for lunch.  it was excellent.

Oct 7, 13 7:50 pm  · 

OK, that thread on unpaid internships is back. But I still think I was hallucinating.

Oct 7, 13 8:22 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton
Funny how things can be interpreted. Ex:

David, I don't think Nam wants you in Florida.

Curtkram and jla-x are the same?
Oct 7, 13 8:23 pm  · 

i have no idea who people are from day to day unless their wearing an ascot...

Oct 7, 13 8:45 pm  · 

Please people put on your I can tell you apart.

On the other hand I had one of those joyful days!  We have been messing around with led exterior lighting for the past four months and tonight we tossed the switch, and well it was a test run but damn it was a joyful moment.  Now all we have to do is wait for the rain to stop and  adjust the splay of the lights which are like 60' above grade.  So don't want to be doing that in the dark on a rainy night.  Love the pure color of led.

Oct 7, 13 8:53 pm  · 

latest purchase.



Oct 7, 13 11:47 pm  · 

Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhh.  beta, that's gorgeous.

I am saying "no" today. I've been saying yes to far too many things and today is the day I have to say no to others so I have some room to say yes to my own stuff. That painting just reinforces my need to do some of my own creative work for a change rather than spend all my free time manifesting (for free) other people's ideas.

Oct 8, 13 7:50 am  · 

i am not jla-x.  DC included me in the list of "how are you," so i figured i would oblige.

i'm pretty sure i don't own an ascot, but i do have a couple shemaghs.  are those close enough?

Oct 8, 13 8:00 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I had never heard of shemaghs, so I did a quick google image search.  Do they all come with guns?  They do look really warm, though.  What are they made of?  It's 54 degrees outside, and since I live in Texas, I'm already complaining about it.  Brrrrr.

Oct 8, 13 8:48 am  · 

the shemagh is quite amazing.  they wear them in the mideast because it keeps the sun off their head and keeps them cool, and in the event of a sand storm i expect it acts as a filter.  i wear them in the midwest because it keeps my warm breath around my head and keeps my face warm, and in the event of a blizzard it keeps the snow out of my eyes.  i assume they can be tied around the neck similar to ascots as well.

it's pretty much just a lightly woven scarf, around 4' square.  the guns cost extra.

Oct 8, 13 9:26 am  · 

i think i'm going to buy this one too.

Oct 8, 13 10:04 am  · 

oh, some advice on buying art; buy what you like, and don't be afraid to ask about a payment plan, most artists i've encountered don't mind, and you're not offending them.

Oct 8, 13 10:16 am  · 

just to be clear i would love it if David lived close enough that we could finally meet. morning TC!

Oct 8, 13 10:41 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Beta,  I feel like the orchard painting is upside down.  I do love the waterlilly painting, though.


So I have a student in class this morning that keeps making faces and giggling at himself.  I think he may be high.  It's hard not to laugh at him.

Oct 8, 13 11:21 am  · 

alas, that one is sold, but there are many more, just wish i had more money and wall space. now, if i can only afford some of mr. bell's work.

Oct 8, 13 11:25 am  · 

Here is the work I've been obsessing over lately.

Oct 8, 13 11:38 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I suck at picking out art.  When I go into peoples houses, I see lots of things I like.  But when I'm in a gallery, museum, or online, nothing really sings to me.

Oct 8, 13 11:42 am  · 

OHHHH, very nice! Check out here too!

Oct 8, 13 12:07 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Cool site, Beta.  I looked at a bunch of them, scrolling quickly since I AM at school, and kept thinking "I like that, but man, it would be cool if that was my dad," or some other connection. Do you guys look at art that way?  I mean, I appreciate the craftsmanship, but wish the subject were someone from my life.  Wonder if that means I will be forever relegated to still-lifes.

I envy you guys.

Oct 8, 13 12:28 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I've spent the last 15 minutes removing the nipples from this image.  Hooray for public schools in the bible belt!

Oct 8, 13 4:21 pm  · 

modifying images of bodies to pretend they aren't what they are is obscene. 

Oct 8, 13 5:39 pm  · 

vindication is good. a project of ours has leaked since it opened two years ago. nobody could figure out why. a *bunch* of scenarios have been floated, mostly indicating some sort of design issue. 

over a year ago, going through construction photos, i figured out that the contractor hadn't built a wall the way we detailed it - basically meaning that they had build a metal stud wall with a brick veneer as much as 16" below grade instead of extending the concrete foundation to above grade as we showed it. [seems like an issue, right?!] at the time, no one else involved seemed to think this mattered, no matter how i presented it. 

today we got to cut a hole in the wall at the area in question and - lo and behold! - the base track of the stud wall was full of water at exactly the condition i had pointed out back then. 

of course i won't be compensated for the hours and hours i've put into this situation over the past two years.

i hate this business. 

Oct 8, 13 5:47 pm  · 

couldn't agree more Steven...

also re: art / ownership of art - Clyfford Still was a revelation, when i "discovered" him on my recent vacation, especially his earlier Canadian Plains/Prarie-influenced work

would love on of those on my walls!

Oct 8, 13 5:53 pm  · 
Agree both your posts Steven. Been there with the bullshit blame passing too.
Oct 8, 13 6:04 pm  · 

Nice, b3ta. How big is it?

Oct 8, 13 7:52 pm  · 

Bible Belters who object to the depiction of nipples should have theirs removed.

Oct 8, 13 7:53 pm  · 

Metal studs below grade.  Lovely.  Glad you were vindicated, Steve; sorry it means no financial remuneration for you.

How exactly can you delete the nipple from a female breast shown in profile?!?! WTF, Texas. Get over it.

Oct 8, 13 7:58 pm  · 

Common practice is to sue everyone. Then the architect and the builder get to spend money blaming each other in an attempt to escape liability while the owner sits back and watches. If you approved contractor invoices for work that didn't meet spec ...

In any case, not a cheap and easy fix now.

Oct 8, 13 8:35 pm  · 

Miles, it's 36X48. 

One of my favorite practitioners here is probably S. Ward. He always comes across as a steady ship in rough waters, he'd be an architect I could work for. His recent advice regarding wall sections, at an exterior condition, and using wall types, spot on. Although I may seem like an irrational nut job, he'd be easy to get along with. My only hesitation, I am not sure he'd laugh at my colorful "language". Donna, is another one, although, while I think we'd get work done, I am sure we'd be laughing too long, and cursing the shit out of consultants for so long, that neighboring businesses might call the cops.

Anywho. That Klingmann ad, sad, desperate, and really telling - diversify people, diversify. Specialists suck donkey balls.

Oct 8, 13 8:38 pm  · 

lol miles (re, nipple removal). crazy true. sweet mother of corn, isn't Texas the land of cowboys and dudes?  Pretty sissy sorta thing to require isn't it?  Do the milk cartons show cows without udders?  I guess All Creatures Great and Small is not allowed in the library?

sorry sorry, Texas is just so weird.  so effeminate and so macho at the same time.  No wonder Perry can't remember what he was thinking.  My apologies Sarah. I see your country leading ours into lala land and cringe.

Oct 8, 13 9:10 pm  · 

thanks, beta! i try to be reasonable. possibly to a fault. 

not scared of colorful language used casually. engage in plenty myself. but, somehow, if delivered in anger it does make me flinch. 

Oct 8, 13 9:16 pm  · 

George F. Will was on NPR this morning.  He described how lovely the inside of his own bowel is; I guess that's the only view he has considering where his head is placed.

Oct 9, 13 7:46 am  · 

I like George.  He is smart, silly, and interesting. And he sometimes is awake enough to see the world for what it actually is. Better than the real nutjobs like rush and beck and whats that crazy woman's name? Ah yeah ann coulter.  Know how i found her? Googled Crazy Right Wing female pundit.  And there she was at the top of the list.  George is harmless and rationale by comparison. Just like his colon.

Oct 9, 13 8:02 am  · 

++ Donna

Oct 9, 13 8:11 am  · 

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