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Steven I'll be in L'ville the night of Nov 18 - Artshop on the 19th.  Let's eat together if you're not booked.  I'll ask JR too.

Tokyo actually sounds like the most fun.  

Maybe someone cool will come in to replace Max - someone who's young and edgy fulltime.  Max could be edgy and young at will, as well as grounded and mature, or intellectual and unapproachable, or casual and silly, all at will.  He's also one of the smartest people in the world, frankly.  So Naptown's general IQ is taking a huge hit *sigh*.

Sarah you have to now volunteer to do something in a crunch - when they desperately need some help.  Thats' how you make inroads to the PTA.

Oct 21, 11 10:57 am  · 

sometimes I'm jealous of places with smaller art scenes - here it's either extremely local (as in, each neighborhood has its own scene - and in some places its even fractured into micro scenes) or very international, cliquish, and competitive.  so there's always too much going on and you never really feel like you're part of the greater art community.  for example -  I can go to several openings and not run into the same people.  plus there's never one or two events that brings everyone out like in other cities. 

Oct 21, 11 11:36 am  · 
won and done williams

Post counts!!!!!!


Oct 21, 11 1:05 pm  · 

Wait, post counts?  Is that what the little figurine next to my name means?  As Angus told me today when I forgot to go to UPS so we had to drive back over immediately after getting the car into the garage: "Mom, you're not the smartest molecule in the disintegrating ray."

Oct 21, 11 2:40 pm  · 

OK, got it.  This is actually a little distressing, as I've only been Donna Sink so briefly - I wonder if there's a way to make my liberty bell stats show up on this name?  Because now, compared to Steven Ward, I look like a baby.

Oct 21, 11 2:45 pm  · 

toaster, sounds like you're describing the LA scene.

I should have some good news to share next week (hint - we're hiring), so all aspiring academics stay tuned.

that post count/member since bit is under-reporting  most TC folks - wonder if the big green head can override the stats to link us back to our archinect 1.0 usernames?

Oct 21, 11 2:54 pm  · 

i have a horrible secret.  the post counts never made any sense to me.  there i said it.

donna you should come to japan anyway.  it's cool place.  not as busy as china anymore but still worth visiting.

Oct 21, 11 5:48 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Barry, you look nothing like I imagined.  I keep thinking you're this guy...

Of course, the harder I look, the less you look like Mr. Tony Hale.

The post counts do seem to be off.  Steven only has 10, 000, and I have only 3,500?  That can't be right.

Oct 21, 11 6:12 pm  · 

barry glad to see the new "real" profile...

Post counts are nice but oh well....


Oct 21, 11 6:33 pm  · 

also is it just me or are the numbers for comments right but not for posts? or am i interpreting those backwords?

Oct 21, 11 6:38 pm  · 

I survived our international guest. It was actually alot of fun. We ate alot of great meals some at home and some out and about.  The weather was a bit upside down but it is New England and that can be expected. The sun did manage to shine thru at most of the right times, like when we were out and about snapping photos.

My Danish friend visited  Lowes on his own, along with a mega grocery store. He thought it was quite fun to have so many flooring options under one roof.  Then Mrs. S, told him it was nice that he had gone to see  Snookers Church.  You know the place he visits at least twice a day when  he is working on DIY projects around the house.

I have been managing to get most of my Fall Projects under wrap before winter arrives.

Office work  seems a bit slow but when you have company that if fine cause, you want to spend as much time as possible with them as you can.  Oh ya and now I want to be their  a Danish Trip is in the early planning stage. Maybe next Summer, cause I also want to go to Norway and visit relatives.  You know why go all the way to Denmark, when Norway is a boat ride away.

Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Oct 21, 11 6:42 pm  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Snook, are you Norwegian?  Husband has decided he's of Norse decent, based on build, blonde eyebrows, and an odd finger glitch, and has been reading up on all the myths and legends.  I just may get a trip out of it.

Oct 21, 11 7:23 pm  · 

Will, I told a group of people at a cocktail party this evening that of all the relocation ideas offered on TC the only one even remotely interesting was Tokyo.  To which one of my companions who is 6'-5" tall asked "Have you ever been to Tokyo? Tokyo is really, really uncomfortable."  I'll bet for someone of his size it is!

Oct 21, 11 9:11 pm  · 

Donna, come to Toronto. We constantly top all the lists we make up ourselves. 

You have plenty of time to make your decision. No work of any kind must be performed until the next presidential elections. It's what Jebus wanted. 

Oct 21, 11 9:18 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

Just had dinner with my Egyptian friend. I love people who challenge the way I think about things. We traveled across time and space with our conversation. I needed that.

Oct 21, 11 9:28 pm  · 

brad pitt is also thinking about where you should move:

he says you should sleep on it.

Oct 21, 11 10:06 pm  · 

Awwww guys I've been so busy re-writing my case study that I was missing out on all these wedding stories. I soooooo feel the love. TC is awesome!!! It's 8 days to go - I'm getting shit faced with 3 of my 5 groomsmen tomorrow. I've been told to eat solid foods for the next 24 hours (go figure)

Oct 21, 11 10:29 pm  · 

an undergrad professor of mine lived in tokyo for a while. he was tall. he shared that an outing for his friends was always planned with the instructions: "meet at bruce." 

Oct 22, 11 1:26 am  · 

no idea what that means steven.  curious.

@donna, there are two kind of westerners here.  the kind who complain all the time and the kind who love it.  somehow both types can stay here for years.  not to say your friend is one of the former cuz there is definitely a low ceiling hazard, but this is one of the most comfortable places to live on the planet even if you aren't rich.  can't say that for so many places.

could be he was speaking of something else, like the crazy crowding in some parts of the city, or something completely different.  it is without doubt very alien...which is why i love it.  nothing more fun than being in a place where you can't understand a damn thing and then spend some time learning to make sense of it all.

@ david, you will need to add your story to the pile in a coupla weeks from now. 



Oct 22, 11 1:46 am  · 

because bruce towered above all of those around him, i.e., was very visible from a distance.

Oct 22, 11 9:08 am  · 

steven, ha!

On call this weekend for work has meant getting calls this morning since 7:0 am. Huzzah! Upside is i got a run in on Sat which i don't usually.

and Donna for me moving has always only seemed worthwhile if it was a big one of some sort, so your selection of tokyo makes sense to me..

Oct 22, 11 11:32 am  · 

Awwww toaster thank you so much for that picture but the last thing it makes me think of is sleep (insert dirty old lady laugh here)!

I just five minutes ago met my new next door neighbor (just bought the house).  Seems very very nice.  Life is change, yes?

Oct 22, 11 12:00 pm  · 

yup - things change.


collartim is back - love the part about the little man in the sauna with the air freshener.

Oct 22, 11 10:25 pm  · 

hah steven.  i totally didn't get it.  probably not true anymore btw. japanese are tall since they started eating meat.

i love moving, myself.  we been in this place for 6 years, the longest i have been in one place in my life.  just decided to move closer to university and office next month, and to bigger digs.  we'll have a whole 90m2 now (900 ft2)!   the rent is painful, but am looking forward to sleeping more i must say.  hurray for shorter commutes.

Oct 23, 11 5:21 am  · 

I had a Medical Doctor friend go to Indonesia, as part of a good will program. The airlines lost his luggage. The problem was he was very tall, and could not find any clothes to fit him. So he had to make do for awhile with the one set of clothes he was wearing.  I guess you could call him "Bruce". 

Oct 23, 11 8:08 pm  · 

Donna...? NZ is the definition of 'remote' and 'interesting'

Oct 24, 11 4:53 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

Very true, Dia.  I always forget NZ even exists.

I've finally gotten Husband to build a piece of furniture I designed!  For those of you who haven't seen it, it's here.  I'm very pleased with it.

And I wanted to ask, if I make an Archinect flask, would the Powers That Be mind if I used the "Architecture Sucks" design?  I figure that it's the most popular shirt, so it's a logical choice.  But if I'd be stepping on toes, then I will come up with my own idea.

Oct 24, 11 10:02 am  · 

dia, I've just been waiting for you to chime in.....NZ is actually my FIRST choice but "architect" isn't on their list of priority jobs they allow to immigrate right now. ;-) Yes, I admit: I went so far as to read a few blogs of happy USians who have retired/immigrated to NZ.  It seems perfect.

Sarah, the bedroom is perfect.  I love the mural (wall hanging?) and how the perspective on it looks from the bed.  I did manage to keep two Company Store quilts going for about 10 years, but we did just throw them away and yeah, not cheap.

Oct 24, 11 10:57 am  · 

sarah, i think you'd check with paul but 'architecture sucks' was designed by m1/dtw (, so the graphic is really theirs. 

Oct 24, 11 1:37 pm  · 

that's quite a cool bedroom sarah.  very nicely done.  the cartoon is phineas and pherb i guess.  great cartoon.  my kids watch it every day and i am super happy to let them cuz it's fantastic english practice.

Oct 24, 11 7:43 pm  · 

Oh yes - the platypus is Perry, aka Agent P (he's a pet platypus who is an undercover secret agent). From Phineas and Ferb which is a very funny cartoon with excellent catchy music!  Angus watches them and I enjoy them too.

Oct 24, 11 7:59 pm  · 

Just out of curiosity, if you knew that a client of colleague in the business was going to get screwed out of money because of shitty workmanship, would you feel obligated to contact said client to inform them they're about to get screwed or would you stand by and let them be screwed, because you think its shady to involve yourself in such dealings which may or may bring you said project?  I'm aware it's a very fine line to walking, but I'm interested in others opinions.

Oct 24, 11 8:46 pm  · 

This actually relates to the "should I get licensed?" thread and my comment there.  If you're a registered professional you're actually held to a higher standard of responsibility for the public.

If it's a life safety issue, of course, you're obligated to do whatever needs to be done to protect the safety of the public even if it screws up a friendship.

If it's just money because someone was stupidly looking for a cheap price, well, they get what they pay for.  You might want to warn your colleague that you know what's up and if by some chance you were ever asked your opinion on it - either socially or legally - you'd have to tell the truth.

Oct 24, 11 8:51 pm  · 

SH - I am TOTALLY digging your son's new room.  Great job.

Oct 24, 11 8:55 pm  · 

I don't know if anyone has seen the hot new photos of this liberty bell chick but, hubba-hubba....;)

Oct 24, 11 11:32 pm  · 
vado retro

i left indy over a year fo and with the execption of LB i don't miss it one bit. livin in a 90 year old bungalow in a small town in louisianastan with current gf/future wife and am pretty damned happy.

Oct 25, 11 12:01 am  · 
vado retro

and i am 29 posts shy of 14k.

Oct 25, 11 12:03 am  · 

that s all great to hear vado.  feeling sad for LB though.  seems all the cool people are leaving her whereabouts...


i got a ticket that says i am heading to bangkok tomorrow morning and a bag full of stuff to show at a meeting with the UN project my school is involved in.  the project is about adaptation to global warming, and bangkok is now suffering from massive floods that may be related to said warming.  100,000 people are left homeless and the streets are being hit with sewage and even a crocodile or two as the water pours in.  upshot is we probably won't have the meeting (a good choice in my book, just on moral grounds).

it's been an education though. seems the system set up to protect the city prolongs the disaster for everyone outside of bangkok (the flood waters linger longer).  reminds me of new orleans and katrina except now it is a situation where the social problems are baked into the infrastructure. 

architects should be involved in this kinda stuff but hella i know where to start.  when did architecture stop being about 2 x 4's and welding and black turtlenecks?

Oct 25, 11 5:45 am  · 

Nice to hear she's no longer ex-GF/future wife.  I'd love to see photos of the bunglaow.  They are my favorite style of house.

Oct 25, 11 8:24 am  · 

yeah vado! i guess she's done at cambridge (the real one)?

Oct 25, 11 9:05 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

I'm heading to Chicago in 2 weeks. Haven't been there in 10 years. I have 4 days of window shopping and picture taking to do. I can probably spare the cash for 1-2 museums. I will be on foot and public transport only, staying in Evanston. What do I need to see? Ideas for cheap eats?

Oct 25, 11 9:06 am  · 

architects should be involved in this kinda stuff but hella i know where to start.  when did architecture stop being about 2 x 4's and welding and black turtlenecks?


maybe within the past 10 years or so when we realized that we were making far too many assumptions about how the world actually works.

Oct 25, 11 9:30 am  · 

Well, if I try to limit Chicago stuff in the last 10 years, Millenium Park, Koolhaas' Student Center at IIT, Jahn's dorms there, Crown Hall and some of the campus has been restored, Aqua, Jahn's library at UofC, The light beacons along the midway plaisance, Spertus Institute, Ronan's Poetry Foundation, Columbia College Chicago Media Production Center, The Contemporaine

(Full Disclosure: I haven't seen some of these, but heard good things.)

I hear the Bahai Temple up near Evanston is nice.

Oct 25, 11 9:35 am  · 

oh, the Modern Wing of the Art Institute for one of those museum visits for sure.

Oct 25, 11 9:40 am  · 
Wilma Buttfit

thanks postal, that is exactly the kind of stuff I'm looking for.

Oct 25, 11 9:55 am  · 
Sarah Hamilton

I'd say it stopped being about 2x4s when you started getting students who, when asked "Why do you want to be an architect?" replied "I want to make the world a better place/change the world,ect."

Oct 25, 11 10:21 am  · 

tint... for some older stuff... definitely some FLW stuff... robie house is probably the easiest to get to... i think that you can get out to oak park via one of the el lines, where you could see his own house/studio, unity temple, and a bunch of early houses... in the loop, it is at least worth walking by all of the early chicago school stuff by the likes of burnham and sullivan... stuff like the monadnock building, carson pirie scott, the auditorioum building, etc... you might check out the chicago center for architecture for there walking tours and the river boat tour... my favorite outdoor space is the small garden at the art institute designed by dan kiley... also check to see what architecture exhibits are open at the art institute and the ICA... unfortunately, the world's greatest architectural bookstore, prairie avenue, is now closed... RIP... big sad face... :(

Oct 25, 11 12:09 pm  · 

Paul just tweeted that we've hit the 45k comment milestone! wow.


this seems geeky enough for the occasion:

Oct 25, 11 1:03 pm  · 

barry bringing back the photos

hi all!

Oct 25, 11 1:07 pm  · 
Wilma Buttfit

phil, I'll probably hit all the old favorites, since it has been awhile for all of those.

Doesn't the NPR AIA commercial say you should give your 2x4's to an architect...? :)

Oct 25, 11 2:52 pm  · 

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