
Paris Attacks


i thought you said you thought you were smart in your partner thread last week.  so that's pretty much gone now?

Nov 17, 15 3:44 pm  · 

ooo a challenge to my ego and/or the old ad hominem eh?  Its pointless

Nov 17, 15 3:50 pm  · 

Olaf-  again, the ISIS is not for real any "Islamic State"! it was created to bring down Alassad regime in Syria by the U.S government using Islam as a pretext! the thing is, Islamic religion was written in a time of wars and verses were written within historical context.. today, Islam is interpreted in many many ways (most of them wrong) and Muslims are divided into groups even in the scale of a micro-society, conflicts raised and some just left the religion silently while many still hiding under its' shadows (the moderates).. but for those who chose to interpret the religion for their own purposes whom you call the extremists while moderates see them as non-religious terrorist group, that's only their issue..! I would be the first witness that  religion (all religions) today has many wrong practices, but this didn't cause Paris' attack... or it's just my opinion! but please keep the "culture" out of the discussion. 

Nov 17, 15 3:54 pm  · 

offf  50% taxes!!!

Nov 17, 15 4:07 pm  · 

bottom line is if you want to protect your country from terrorism you need to identify who each person is and watch them as closely as possible.    

yes, that violates your privacy.

yes, that imposes on your personal freedoms.

yes, that is imposing severe control over the population.

but that's the trade off we made in america.  cry about it, try to change it, whatever.  it's what we do in the states.  again-refer to patriot act.



Nov 17, 15 4:49 pm  · 

"The worst form of inequality is to try and make unequal things equal" ~Aristotle

So, Good Knight: Aristotle didn't actually say this. It's a misattribution. I've noticed that on the internet these days, right wingers just make things up to justify their fucked-up world views. 

To my eye, America's religious conservatives look uncomfortably like ISIS. Ya'll would be ready to do some evil shit if you thought you could get away with it. 

Nov 17, 15 4:52 pm  · 

^ The details of the quote are irrelevant.  The larger point is completely relevant.

Wow.  So now those who dissent from by the voluntarily childless, emotionally driven thieves in the government imposing taxation without representation are ISIS?

right wing/ left wing?  conservative/ liberal?  ya'll ready to do evil shit?  If ya'll thought you could get away with it?

Talk about crazy misattributions.  The mass media is corrupt: NYT, FoxNews, whoever it is they all have an agenda to control the narrative to the detriment of logic and reason.

The real terrorist is the out of control amygdala present in so many voterzz these days.

Lobotomy specimens essentially.  No connection to logic or reason.  They are immune.  Its pointless to try and communicate higher orders of intelligence to the walking dead.

Nov 17, 15 5:01 pm  · 

Wait, GK, who are these  "voluntarily childless, emotionally driven thieves in the government imposing taxation?"

Out of control amygdala? 

Nov 17, 15 5:12 pm  · 

^ they are legion.  For example: many of those voterz today with out of control amygdalas were raised by single mothers and the nanny state.

Nov 17, 15 5:20 pm  · 

"The details of the quote are irrelevant"? The quote makes absolutely no logical sense whatsoever so I'd say the details of who decided this string of words was a good example for society are totally relevant if I'm supposed to believe it.

Here's my take on it: The smelliest form of tennis balls is to try to make purple things a sandwich. Equally logical.

Nov 17, 15 6:56 pm  · 

since it's the internet, you can then attribute that quote to abraham lincoln, and if the internet allows it to go through then it's true because everything on the internet is true.  even the facebook quizzes that tell good knight he a smart cookie with a noble mission.

Nov 17, 15 7:50 pm  · 

zaina you cool.....no_form such a threadkilla with such rationalism,thats pretty much how it works- you don't like humans and want to blow them up we invade your privacy - pretty fucking fundamental..........but i have been drinking French wine and hanging out with the French.............ARTIST EL RAMBLE - you want to wear head garb in France! where is desert sun? where are your angry cousins who want to rape you! not in France. French are civilized, unlike monkess who beat and cover their female compatriots. you want to be French believe in liberty and freedom and let your fellow human have an opinion when if it contradicts your paranoid schizophrenic prophet who tripped out and got revelations. its fucked up Dr Leary wasn't 500 years after Christ prophet on LSD, he could of changed the world with his mental conditions..........and not a single person from this world on this architecture forum could qoute a peaceful verse from this ever heard of Google? google "peaceful" + "islam" + "verse" ya fuckin about naive stupidity. Isis are the only legit guys on the planet? no? death to stupidity. carry on my archinectors.

Nov 17, 15 10:07 pm  · 

bottom line is if you want to protect your country from terrorism you need to identify who each person is and watch them as closely as possible


War is Peace

Slavery is Freedom

Ignorance is Strength

Nov 18, 15 12:34 am  · 
"1984 isn't an instruction manual."

Unfortunately, inventory control is critical to managing a population. If the United
States abandons its global resource wars (disguised under many other veils) Americans would be fleeing for the next closest landmass with electricity, clean water, and 1/4lb meat patties. Hopefully they let us in.
Nov 18, 15 1:17 am  · 
Americans are a barbaric people who kill each other over racial differences and use guns to murder each other in movie theaters and schools. They cherry pick historical texts i.e.: the bible to justify their tolerance or intolerance for other religions, sexual partners, or economic choices.

And what I fear is the day that a nation grows even more powerful than ours and more needy for resources than ours, decides to mercifully invade and save us from our internal bickering, and in the mean time puts a fence around Lake Michigan, forces us to take high interest loans from them to buy back the water and at the same time is mining the Rockies for minerals, and has a secret group of people selling weapons to rival American groups to further escalate the internal bickering.

Meanwhile in this more powerful country the citizens are debating whether or not the americans really are barbarians with a violent religion and tell themselves that their own beliefs when carefully interpreted only mean peace.

Maybe they will even find some type of kantianesque beauty in the boldness and overwhelming disciplined repetition of the Golden Arches or the squat proportions of the KFC bucket, spinning uninhibited like a whirling dervish.
Nov 18, 15 2:29 am  · 

so maybe it's not "muslims" that are bad, but rather it's "people" that are bad?

Nov 18, 15 7:40 am  · 

no way curtkram no way. guns don't kill people, people do. 1984 as a political model. who knew writing fiction would have ao much influence......good stuff no_form. enjoying the read. you say Lake Michigan, ar ethe Canadians coming? according to Fareed Zakeriw GPS on CNN via some London research lab - Canadians enjoy the most freedom

Nov 18, 15 8:18 am  · 

curtkram - just curious, why do you insist that muslims aren't bad people? since I live in a Muslim community I can tell you this, muslims aren't bad people, but there are a categories of people who are bad among them being forgiven and excused (mostly by themselves and on a second degree by their families and societies ) because they pretend to be good Muslims.. they pray, they fast, but they're bad evil people!  :(  I'm personally a victim of this kind of shitty people ..  so stop jump to a quick conclusions, you have at least to be in the background in order to be able to judge an entire nation like this!

Nov 18, 15 8:37 am  · 

bottom line is if you want to protect your country from terrorism you need to identify who each person is and watch them as closely as possible

I believe it was the underwear bomber whose father called the US State Department to warn them of his son going off the rails. And the Russians, who we are supposed to hate, warned the FBI TWICE about Chechens in Boston. So, really, what good is the NSA collecting my emails to my Aunt in Iowa about her roses?

And the crime rate in the US is going sharply down in spite of liberal hysteria about guns. Basically we have a government that is unworthy of the people it purports to govern.

Nov 18, 15 8:40 am  · 

Zaina, I *personally* know many Christians who are awful people:  feel proud when they stiff someone out of payment, take advantage of others to their own benefit, judge and condemn others for doing the exact things they do, don't tip. They go to church, read the bible, quote scripture etc etc. But they're terrible, horrid humans.

curt's point is that there are awful people of EVERY stripe. Most people, overall, are not awful people. In my opinion, when people do awful things while professing that their religion somehow makes it OK, that's even worse than a non-religious person just openly saying "yeah, I'm just an asshole."

Nov 18, 15 9:01 am  · 

I went into a Starbuck's this morning (forgot my coffee tumbler at work yesterday - I always make my own coffee at home in the mornings unless I forget it). It was really lovely: filled with people, everyone smiling, black/white/Latino/blue-white collar/young/old. It gave me the warm glowey feeling of community, but also of knowing that the chances of a terrorist suicide-bombing the place are essentially zero. We can enjoy being out in the world in a way that Parisians can't right now.

But then I realized this: a suicide bomber at that location is unlikely, but it's at the intersection of two very highly-traveled, high-speed roads, the roads are slick with rain, and everyone was rushing to get to work. The chances of a big truck losing control and crashing into this location, or having a horrific crash outside and raining shrapnel into the place, are pretty high.

I'm not willing to live so scared of tragedy that I don't go into a Starbucks. I'm not willing to live so scared of tragedy that I'd deny our country's ridiculously vast resources and riches to refugees who have nothing.

Nov 18, 15 9:09 am  · 

zaina, there are billions of them.  around 1.6 billion maybe.  that's about a quarter of the population of earth.  if 1.6 billion people were jihadists trying to blow people up, there would be a significant uptick in 'booms.'

some muslims are bad just as some christians are bad and some other groups are bad.  that's the same as saying some arabs are bad, some americans are bad, some russians are bad.  there are some bad people everywhere, of every religion, of every race, of every nationality, but most of us aren't so bad.

Nov 18, 15 9:37 am  · 

^ Those of us who aren't don't (or can't) do anything about those of us who are. And if we did we would become them.

Nov 18, 15 9:41 am  · 
Non Sequitur

I just love Donna's purple tennis ball sandwich comment. It was worth scrolling through the inanity just to find it.



Nov 18, 15 9:58 am  · 
A white woman in the professional class buys morning coffee. Sees people smiling. It's allll good!
Nov 18, 15 10:18 am  · 

Donna, don't be afraid of tragedy striking the Starbucks. Do be afraid of bad coffee.



The common thread connecting Starbucks and terrorism is globalization. I'm still not convinced it is a force for good.

Nov 18, 15 10:53 am  · 

the Republicants reaction is similar to after Pearl Harbor when the U.S. set up internment camps for the Japanese and then rounded them and shipped them off.

Nov 18, 15 11:46 am  · 

^ Archanonymous, it's not, but because it's not globalization, it's just disguised corporatism. If it was "global" wouldn't be restricted only to the trade of goods, but in this model there is no globalization of professions, cultures, ideas; only fattening bottom lines.

Nov 18, 15 12:06 pm  · 

no_form, it's all good AND bad. That's the point. (edited because I addressed the wrong person's comment at first.)

Nov 18, 15 12:20 pm  · 

archyanonymous I love coffee so completely that I even like bad coffee.

I heard someone refer to the Republican governors as bedwetters. That's hilarious, but it makes me feel bad for people who actually struggle with enuresis. And even though I wasn't wearing my yoga pants at S-bucks this morning,  I'm nothing if not a PC-loving empathetic all-inclusive white professional class liberal.  So let's call them pantswetters, instead. They're all men (I think. Might be one female governor in there, but I'm too lazy to check right now).

Nov 18, 15 12:26 pm  · 

Donna, in response to our governors (Indiana and Illinois) idiotic remarks about not taking in refugees, I would like to point out that most small businesses started in the US are started by recent immigrants (maybe because they can't get a job in an existing business) but every anecdotal interview with recent refugees and immigrants happens inside their business they started when they got here. 

If the republicans want to be the party that champions small businesses they would say 10,000 nah how a bout a cool million. Think of how many Americans will have jobs if a third of them set up shop. we could reverse the urban decay in the Rustbelt and think of all of the housing shops and businesses that licensed architects will have to design, bring on the new Americans so they can open businesses and fix our economy, or at least pick fruits and clean bathrooms.

I have yet to see any credible study that immigration is bad for the economy just peoples opinions. People who are engaged in society and the economy are likely to be less alienated and less likely to be terrorist. America is doing a much better job at integrating diverse people into society than any nation in Europe, and that inclusion into society makes us safer until stupid republican governors start talking about things way above their pay grade. We have only to look to the collapsing agriculture industry in Alabama to see what damage xenophobic attitudes can have on our economy.

Nov 18, 15 1:57 pm  · 

"maybe its people that are bad"

people aren't bad, some people are bad...those people are also usually the ones who get into positions of power.  power attracts shit heads.  all societies are based on a hierarchy of power.  Societies are inherently unsustainable and self destructive.  Anarchy is also impossible, because power will inevitably coalesce around those with resources or an ability to take resources from others.  

Nov 18, 15 2:27 pm  · 

New Mexico, Oklahoma and South Carolina all have female Republican governors.

Nov 18, 15 3:27 pm  · 

the Republicants reaction is similar to after Pearl Harbor when the U.S. set up internment camps for the Japanese and then rounded them and shipped them off.

The Japanese Americans who were rounded up were AMERICAN CITIZENS.  That's the point.  Bad analogy.

Nov 18, 15 3:31 pm  · 

New Mexico, Oklahoma and South Carolina all have female Republican governors.

Nikki Haley is easy on the eyes...

Nov 18, 15 4:47 pm  · 

Donna, don't be afraid of tragedy striking the Starbucks.

If you're in a Starbucks tragedy has already struck.

Nov 18, 15 5:00 pm  · 

i came across this video that helps answer why i don't think muslims are bad people.

Nov 18, 15 5:56 pm  · 

Good Knight....???? WTF?

What the hell is he ranting about. I think his argument is loaded with baseless characterization that I don't think I want to even begin to argue over the points of... individually.

Good Knight, if you are looking for partners then maybe you need to be partner material that someone else wants to partner with. Partnerships is a team and there is no 'I' in team. You need to swallow that ego and work together and so do they. Everyone needs to look to each other to find a solution.

Nov 18, 15 7:24 pm  · 

It's obvious, but I never thought about it until now. A lot of the people killed and wounded in Paris were themselves from Muslim backgrounds. The Wall Street Journal profiled one young woman who was working her way up in a Paris café and someday wanted to open her own bistro.

Why has no "cleric" issued a "fatwa" against these Islamic extremist terrorists?

Nov 19, 15 8:24 am  · 

thats my thing Volunteer. I want to understand why no one is threatening these guys on religious principles? or no one is challenging them on relgious principles. Maybe people are, and if they are he Western Media needs to report it even if that means keeping the people anonymous....nevermind the Western free world yada yada.....isn't ISIS argueably what the West would call a "Cult"? It is an application of a relgion that controls lives to their death,that is Jonestown or David Kursesh Waco, Tx stuff.

Nov 19, 15 8:33 am  · 

there are muslim leaders fighting islamic extremists.  i suppose it's under-reported because you don't sell click bait ads telling people muslims aren't so bad.  you sell ads telling nut jobs they should be pissed off that refugees of a different skin color might live in your country and there is a war on christmas because starbucks cups are red.

Nov 19, 15 9:51 am  · 

If there are Muslim leaders fighting the ISIS extremists they are coming up somewhat short. If ISIS was created and funded by the US as a result of some Kissingerian neocon nonsense, even more of a reason for the Ayatollah Khamenei to put a serious hit on them. Go for it.

Nov 19, 15 10:32 am  · 

well, i can tell you that complaining on the internet about how other people aren't doing what you want them to do isn't going to be part of the solution.

it might be that the ayatollah or obama or whoever else you think should be cleaning up this mess knows something you don't, or has a host of concerns you aren't aware of.  i'm sure they're very interested in your opinion, and they're probably reading archinect to see how you think their campaign should be run, but i'm also pretty sure they're too busy to give direct feedback to everyone on the internet that has an opinion.

anonymous is doing what they can to shut down communications.  instead of complaining about how obama isn't taking care of them the way they like, they tried to figure out what tools they have at their disposal and what difference they can make, however small it may be.  #OpIsis #OpParis

maybe you can look there to make a difference.  or join the armed services and help protect our country as one of our soldiers.

Nov 19, 15 11:07 am  · 

Already did my time in the USAF, four years on active duty including deployment to SE Asia. Finished up in the Reserves. And you?

Nov 19, 15 11:28 am  · 

i ask people on the internet to stop complaining about how the government isn't taking care of them and instead try to take a little personal responsibility for themselves.

if i have an opportunity to improve the world by reducing the damage caused by religious extremists or other hate groups, i'd like to think i would seize it.  if not, i'm not going to sit here and complain about how nobody else is stepping up to do it for me.

Nov 19, 15 12:18 pm  · 

Hey, go join the military for four years and get back to us. I did not start this thread, but I need your permission to comment?

Nov 19, 15 1:13 pm  · 

come on now, you were complaining about how religious groups are running their campaign against islamic terrorists right?  you asked why muslim leaders were not fighting them (i can't speak to a specific "fatwa."  even if there was one, i doubt it would be in western news).  i provided evidence that they were to help ease your concern.

i am not fighting terrorism.  i'm not telling anyone else how to fight terrorism.  mostly i'm advocating that people take a position of tolerance and compassion towards others.  if fighting terrorism is the banner you want to take up, then why did you leave the military?  did you think posts on internet forums would really be a more appropriate venue to affect the change you desire?  if fighting terrorism is not the banner you want to take up, then why are you concerned with what muslim clerics are doing?

as far as tolerance and compassion go, you said this:

A lot of the people killed and wounded in Paris were themselves from Muslim backgrounds.

if you want to take up my banner, that's it.  cut through the fear mongering bullshit about Syrian terrorists and religious intolerance popular among many people respected among conservatives and try to see people as people, which is obviously something you can do.  spread that message to others in conservative circles and maybe we can start closing the divide the terrorists have been trying to create.  we would do better to fight terrorism together, regardless of race, region, or religion.

Nov 19, 15 2:54 pm  · 

this was on my facebook just now, posted from a friend of mine who is also a veteran

Nov 19, 15 3:15 pm  · 

they must be following our thread.

Nov 19, 15 4:04 pm  · 

i was being sarcastic when i said volunteer thought posting on the internet was a more appropriate venue to fighting terrorism.  i'm certainly not going to say the navy is better than the air force anymore.

Nov 19, 15 4:35 pm  · 

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