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Mpls rope densCITY needs your VOTE!

This image situates the viewer inside the interactive installation. A new kind of playground, MPLS Rope densCity weaves together man-made and natural materials to create an environment that invites people of all ages and backgrounds to engage with one another as well as the Minneapolis Convention Center (MCC) and plaza. In this second image, the viewer is introduced to the installation as a gateway to the city, as a spectacle so unusual it will draw the curious passerby into the park. This third image places the installation within the larger context of the MCC plaza and downtown Minneapolis, presenting it as a platform for creative dialogue throughout the summer of 2013.

In this second image, the viewer is introduced to the installation as a gateway to the city, as a spectacle so unusual it will draw the curious passerby into the park.

In this second image, the viewer is introduced to the installation as a gateway to the city, as a spectacle so unusual it will draw the curious passerby into the park.