Justin Darrow

Justin Darrow

Ogden, UT, US

The Thunderbox in all its glory!
The Thunderbox in all its glory!
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The Thunderbox

The 2009 Calpoly Design Village was themed Post-Apocolyptic where governments had collapsed and zombies invaded. Teams had 12 hours to transport their structures up a 1.5 mile dirt road and construct them in Calpoly Canyon where they would survive for two nights. The Thunderbox was a modular structure designed to safely house and sustain three occupants.  

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Status: Built
Location: San Luis Obispo, CA, US
My Role: Designer + Builder
Additional Credits: Rhys Williams and Kyle Noren

The transportation cart made from structural members.
The transportation cart made from structural members.
Cal Poly Canyon
Cal Poly Canyon
The team
The team
1st Place Trophy!
1st Place Trophy!