Daniel Williams

Daniel Williams

Poway, CA, US

Competition poster sent to Russia.
Competition poster sent to Russia.
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International Competition - The Pushkinsky Entertainment Complex

The “Changing The Face” competition of 2011 was just the beginning of the Pushkinsky Cinema face lift.  In 2012 The Cinema WILL take on a complete conversion. The venue will be transformed into 2250 seat proscenium theatre with fly tower.  The front park will have a new outdoor venue that will host everything from public gatherings to rock concerts!
This venue will be the new location for the “Moscow for Everyone” program which aims to provide free or subsidized outdoor entertainment.

            Daniel Williams AR303

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Moscow, Russia
My Role: Designer/Illustrator

Cinema elevation
Cinema elevation
Before and after 3/4 view (Photo simulation)
Before and after 3/4 view (Photo simulation)
Before and after front view (Photo simulation)
Before and after front view (Photo simulation)
Study Model and letter from New School's Dean
Study Model and letter from New School's Dean
Whole complex rendition.
Whole complex rendition.