Brisac Gonzalez Architects

Brisac Gonzalez Architects

London, GB

Competition model
Competition model
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Vendespace Sports and Concert Arena

The design of Vendespace is as far detached as possible from the imposing form of an opaque block that normally characterizes this building type. The design strategy breaks with the conventional design of arena buildings by introducing greater transparencies between the internal and external spaces, and through the arrangement of volumes at varying scales according to their functions. The strategy also investigates ways in which this typology can be better articulated and provide an enhanced experience for visitors: through the landscape in which people proceed from car to building, by bringing natural light deep into enclosed areas of the building and to the circulation spaces that are normally located in residual areas.

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Status: Competition Entry
Location: Mouilleron-le-Captif, FR
Firm Role: Architect
Additional Credits: VP&GREEN - Structural Engineers
Ducks Sceno - Scenography
Xu Acoustique - Acoustics
INEX - Services

Competition model
Competition model
Central hall
Central hall
Concert arena
Concert arena