Alex Martir

Alex Martir

Astoria, NY, US



The Manahattanville Marine Transfer Station stands derelict, slowly giving way to natural forces. It originally served as a transfer point moving refuse from NYC Sanitation out to the outer boroughs to be incinerated. To the residents of Manhattanville it buildings was a blemish on their waterfront, causing rancid smells to waft up their streets. Finally in 2001, though a collaboration between WeAct and the local community board the residents were able to close down the station, but this was only a partial win; Although the building is no longer in use, it still remains.

This building program is split into two functions, delineated by the separated structures. The first building, a hydroponic garden, is a concrete column and slab building with a series of metal catwalks to support the hydroponic systems. It will provide fresh fruits and vegetables to the surrounding area. The second building acts as a ferry terminal and pits stop for those on their way to work, including a small café, pharmacy, and daycare center.

By combining these programs this project aims to bring life to a dilapidated building and in during so bring economic growth for the neighborhood of Manhattanville. 

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Status: School Project