

Glasgow, GB


School Design is First of its Kind

By Stallan-Brand
Mar 2, '14 3:26 PM EST
Common & flexible central resource spaces
Common & flexible central resource spaces

Maxwellton and Greenburn Primary School

This school project is the first of its kind in the UK and favourite of our studio. We have experienced first hand a new learning environment that is transforming children's lives. 

Stallan Brand, in conjunction with Kier Construction has designed and delivered a new purpose built, fully integrated school building to house both the mainstream Maxwellton Primary School with Nursery and Greenburn School, serving children with mental and physical disabilities in East Kilbride, Scotland. 

This building is a first of its kind in Scotland and we hope will act as a benchmark for future schools of this type. We have already showcased it to other local authorities.

The school design accommodates 15 classrooms in total, 8 of which are for Maxwellton and 7 for Greenburn. The school ethos is that both schools, although run and managed separately, are spatially and technically fully integrated, creating a vibrant and cohesive social learning experience.

The school has a number of specialised activity spaces due to specific pupil requirements and impairments. These include the hydrotherapy pool, sensory learning, soft play room, time-out space and a number of therapy suites to respond to the requirements of each of the disabilities listed below:

• Cognition and learning (dyslexia, autistic)
• Behavioral, emotional and social (social difficulties withdrawn isolated, disruptive hyperactive)
• Communication and interaction (hearing, speech or language impairment, autistic),
• Sensory and / or physical (deafness or visual impairment),
• Health And Personal care needs

Inclusive design principals were inherent to the initial design concept of the school. A coordinated and holistic approach was adopted with regards access, space, awareness, learning and ultimately, safety . An appealing, accessible school environment has been delivered which promotes a strong sense of belonging and self-worth, which is paramount to the pupils health and social development.